A Few Friday Things

May 02, 2008 14:39

First, a little announcement. WATCH THE LEAGUE OF RELUCTANT ADULTS NEXT WEEK! We have some Things! Happening! That you won't want to miss!

Second, some fun promo-type stuff:

Author's Week will be held on Chris Eldin's blog from May 3 through May 9: www.abenchpress.blogspot.com.

Festivities will kick off on Saturday May 3 with an Oldies but Goodies Contest. I will have funny questions about the following authors who have supported my promotions in the past (cool prizes also!!)

Mary Cunningham CURSE OF THE BAYOU
Edna Cabcabin Moran THE SLEEPIG GIANT
John Elder Robison LOOK ME IN THE EYE
Patricia Wood LOTTERY

May 5 - May 9 will feature the following authors giving away books and making appearances on my blog. Come chat, make jokes, win prizes!!!

Monday, May 5: Charles Allen Gramlich “Swords of Talera”

Tuesday, May 6: Holly Kennedy "The Silver Compass"

Wednesday, May 7: Daniel Tomasulo "Confessions of a Former Child"

Thursday, May 8: Sandra Cormier "The Space Between"

Friday, May 9: Stacia Kane "Personal Demons"

Yep, that's me. I'll be there chatting and all that stuff for most of the day, until something like 9pm EDT, which is 2 am my time, so help make it worth my while!

Also, a new review, hot off the presses. This one made me giggle like a little kid. Not because it was a delightfully great review; it's not a bad review by any means but it's not glowingly wonderful either, although I loved this line:

...holy crap, Stacia Kane can write a scary scene. When she wants to, she can grab you by the throat with tension and fear. I just wish she'd done a bit more of it. I'd be interested to see what she could do with straight horror.

But because I love a well-written review. Good or bad, I don't really care (obviously I have a preference, sure, but you know what I mean.) And this is a well-written review--the reviewer, B.J., is clever and pithy, and clearly enjoys what she does. That enjoyment is infectous. So go check it out and see if it makes you laugh too. (Note: I'm sure some small part of my delight in the review is also owed to the line: In spite of his silly name, Dante still managed to yank my Bad Boy chain like a monkey swinging from a church bell. Because you know how obsessive I am about my heroes and how happy I get when other people love them too. And the response to this one has been overwhelmingly positive, with the exception of Mrs. Giggles, but she's Mrs. Giggles and so can basically do no wrong as far as I'm concerned because I freaking adore that woman. Anyway. That line made me go squee.)

What do you look for in reviews? What makes a good or bad one for you? Will you come hang out with me on the 9th so I won't be the loser sitting there all by myself? (That's right. I would be the lonesome loser. Beaten by the Queen of Hearts every time. And boy is that a blast from the past. Next thing you know I'll be quoting Juice Newton or Ann Murray or somebody. Ah, my seventies childhood.)

reviews, i'm lame, help me not be a loser, contests, whoring myself, my heroes, chat me up, personal demons, seventies soft rock

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