Update on Stacia Kane

Nov 02, 2011 15:07

Hello Again.

This is going to be short, but I wanted to let you all know that Stacia is doing much better. She is still in the hospital, and it looks like she’ll remain there for a little while yet, but she has been moved out of intensive care into an acute-care ward (which is a good sign) and her doctors/surgeons are pleased with her progress.

At some point soon, no doubt, she’ll be back online, but for now rest, rest and more rest are the top requirements for her recovery.

I will update here again soon. Till then, may I just add a heartfelt Thank You to you all for your kind words and thoughts during this situation. They have meant so much and my family and I really appreciate them.

Take Care

Mr. Kane
Originally posted at Stacia Kane. You can comment here or there.
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