Sep 21, 2007 14:41
Oh, what a busy busy morning.
Started off just fine. Then my dress for this year's Christmas party arrived (remember, the big fancy one my husband's work throw every year? I found a faboo dress ON SALE at Fairy Gothmother online. Wheeee! Shiny burgundy silk, the kind that looks black when the light hits it right, I am so, so jazzed. I am also on a serious diet again. I've lost almost three pounds in the last week and a half, so doing well.)
I figured I had just enough time to open the package, but of course once I SAW it, I couldn't resist running upstairs and trying it on--at least the top (it's a two piece.)
Then Princess lost a tooth, good ecause it's been loose for a while.
I was running a little late thanks to the couture oogling and the tooth-hole examining and the convincing Princess it wasn't exactly a good idea to take the tooth to school, because what if she lost it and so couldn't leave it for the tooth fairy, when she suddenly said, "We were supposed to take our little sisters to school for pictures today!"
It's school picture day.
And my children, although (thankfully) clean, look basically like they've just rolled out of bed--Princess's pigtails are uneven, Faerie's hair isn't brushed. I grab the brush and wipes for her little face and haul ass, we were supposed to be there fifteen minutes before!
Then I waited for half an hour to get the picture. (Her school does pictures of kids with their siblings before school, which is nice of them.) Of course, I didn't bring anything to clip Faerie's hair out of her face. Also of course, they while away the waiting time by running around like loons, so by the time out turn comes Faerie is sweaty.
Picture turns out okay. But it's 9:30, and we need to be at Faerie's new preschool at 10:30 for an hour-long "adjustent visit". And I have to take a shower.
Rush home. Call hubs to tell him what lazy and irresponsible parents we are, that we forgot school picture day. Shower. Can't resist trying on skirt for dress. Looovely. Dry hair.
Go to preschool, all goes great! Yay! And it's picture day there too, so Faerie gets hers taken. Photographer loves her, she won't stop posing. Like, head to one side, big smile, shoulder forward posing. It's hysterical. We finally get a straight forward shot, adorable, of course.
Come home. Try on dress again, this time with crinoline. Wheee! Dress does not need hemming with crinoline and heels! I can spend the money I saved on jewelry.
And that's been my morning. And I don't know what I'll make for dinner still.
As far as work goes...last night I decided to scrap my almost-half-finished Caveman story and do something else. I thought the heroine was adorable and the set up cute but it just wasn't working. BUT, I'm waaay excited about the new one, it's already at around 5k, and I expect to have it finished in plenty of time. So out of my 40k words in just over two weeks goal, I have completed, um...about 25k. Not bad. Of course 5k of that is useless, but still.
And the day is flying by. And that's it.
Oh, except, I'm putting together a FAQ for the Stacia Kane site. I know you guys don't like having to do this (judging by the tepid responses it gets) but if you want to ask a question for the site please do! Can't have a FAQ without 'em!
being a bad mom,