May 28, 2007 00:26
I REALLY wanna know how to make fan vids. I have an idea(though unoriginal) and I wanna make one!
If I could make my own, thus would be the end of my social life as I know it!
And now that the semester is over, my being unsocial phase is kicking back in.
I sit in my room watching clips from the X Files, and a clip from Without a Trace, with Michael Emerson(from Lost). He is such an awesome actor....and really good at being creepy, like Lector, and Spacey form Seven creepy. He was in Without a Trace, and it made me giggle when he was being interrogated by Danny and Martin, and right in the middle of it all, they give each other a
Which reminds me, I still can't get over how great the season finale for Lost was, even though it had sad moments but very well done. But I probably should find other things soon because it will be 9 months before any new ones, until then...
Heroes was really good as well, although that was also sad.
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End was cool. I liked all of the action and fighting scenes, and the Secret Window scene with all of the Jack Sparrow/Johnny Depp scenes were really funny. Those were sooo made for the fangirls, but I'm not complaining. Just like the whipping scene in the second movie with Orlando Bloom. Madi told me about a review that said that Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom's acting was so bad, but that Johnny Depp and Geoffrey Rush more than made up for it, which I can agree..they both were so awesome. I liked the story beteen Calypso and Davy Jones, and to tell the truth, I actually liked how the story between Will/Elizabeth ended, cause I honestly didn't expect it. Maybe I should have..Idk. It was cool to see Keith Richards as Jack's father. I would have definitely liked to have seen more Jack Davenport=( He didn;t get the respect and screen time he deserved.
I've already seen it twice, and plan to see it more times. But saving money as best I can is still my top priority.