Jul 23, 2008 06:24
You are tall, 6 feet or more
You have a great smile, are passionate and witty with a great sense of humor
You desire me, everything about me and show me at every opportunity
You show me that you will not hurt me and will cherish me by doing the small stuff all the time
I need to know that I am safe from harm, that you will not kill me, because you can
You need to know that I will not abandoned you, manipulate you or take your children away from you, because I can
Actions are what count, words don’t mean shit
You can make mistakes; it is how you recover that tells me who you are
You need to be supporting yourself, have a car, a job and a plan for the future
You can appreciate the closeness and loyalty of family and know when they are wounded and need to be carried and when they need to carry their own weight
You enjoy telling a good story and are a good story teller
Behind closed doors you are ravenous, kinky, sweet, even-tempered and wild... you are a delightful combination of all that I could ever want
You love to travel and yet have a solid home base at all times.