Book 21. Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb

Jul 21, 2009 10:14

Book 21.  Assassin's Apprentice
Author: Robin Hobb
Genre: Fantasy (book club)
Pages: 435
Release date: 1995

What worked:  Growing up with Fitz was kind of fun.  The premise was not exactly original, but at the same time the character that came into his life made it interesting.  Being the bastard son made his life difficult at best and he always had people in his life that wanted him to fail (or even die).  Regal and Galen are two of those characters and I love, love, love to hate a good and "evil" character.

The magic was kind of cool. A bit confusing, but definately interesting.  Fitz was a good character overall (I did have an issue or two).  The plot, once you finally got to it, was clever and well done.  The setting was cool as well and I thought the people being "forged" was cool.

What did not work.  The book was too slow.  I had a hard time staying interested because the writing style did not really click with me.  Fitz was also a bit inconsistant at times.  Resiliant at times and then would break down and act oddly.  Yes was only a child, but it still was strange.  Also knowing what Regal did and the family not really doing anything?  That doesn't make any sense at all.

Favorite quotes:  Nothing really out of the way interesting.

Rating.  6.5 out of 10. Overall I enjoyed this book and will read the rest of the series.  It had some issues, but was still enjoyable. 

assassin's apprentice, book club, fantasy, robin hobb, how many books in a year

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