Hey all,
So, never let it be said that I cannot steal someone else's idea. There is a woman on a website I frequent
www.nerdnyc.com that just posted on her blog about how she has been documenting every book she read for a year. I have thought about doing this, but after seeing what she did, I am definatelyi going to do it. She read 117 books, and damn that is impressive.
I don't know how many I will read at this point. I have always read novels very quickly, but with being single now, I see my spare time getting sucked into other things. But either way, it will be fun.
Now keep in mind, I am not changing the books that I read. I still read a lot of the following:
Science fiction.
a sci-fi/fantasy novel every two weeks for my book club.
A lot of series, especially re-reading fav authors
mystery novels
gaming books
comic books
things people suggest.
So I started this and am currently reading two novels.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling
The Jennifer Morgue by Charles Stross (for my book club).
Thank you.