I really do plan on posting here more soon, so I don't have to bombard people with these lengthy updated. :) But here is what is going on in my life.
- Getting used to living by myself again. It hasn't been that long and lord knows it is quiet in my apartment without Natalie in it. I still do not regret my decision to break things off, but that doesn't make me feel any better about the fact that I know she is hurting.
- Also just getting used to having to play everything on my own has left me a bit broke. :) I will adjust to that quickly, but damn!
- My brother (I haven't spoken to him in years) from my biological family (I was adopted) found me on Facebook. It is so strange to see how many people have found me on there that i haven't spoken too in years. It is such a surreal thing.
- My friends and I are going to get back into the game creation. We started a game called Perdition and it was going pretty well and then we stopped last July. UGH. But we are hoping to get back on track.
- Turn Coat came out today! I am so excited about the new J. Butcher book!
- I am meeting someone Wed night for "drinks". I am really looking forward to seeing if we connect enough for anything more than that.
- God my job rocks. Most jobs are doing so poorly right now. Lord know I have friends that have been laid off and that are on umemployment. I actually got a 3.1% raise. I am so thankful for where I am.
- Still trying to get back into gaming. Never seem to get to game as much as I want. Hopefully that is going to change soon.
- My book club is on their 100th book. How awesome is that??? :) The book is The Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks.
That is all. :)