Since this is a world of copying each other I saw that had a unique rating system. I had not really push much thought into mine as of yet. I just knew I wanted more than a “number” system. You will find some books used as examples that may even surprise you. Just remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This is my humble opinion on the books that I read. If you do not agree, that is great, life would be boring if we all agreed on everything. Just be civil about it please.
Since this is a world of copying each other I saw that
calico_reaction had a unique rating system. I had not really push much thought into mine as of yet. I just knew I wanted more than a “number” system. You will find some books used as examples that may even surprise you. Just remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This is my humble opinion on the books that I read. If you do not agree, that is great, life would be boring if we all agreed on everything. Just be civil about it please.
The Elite 10 out of 10. These are the books that I can go on for hours about. They are nearly perfect in my eyes. This could be because I believe it is exceptionally written, or it could be for sentimental reasons. Or maybe even both. There are even problems with most of them, but something about these books have changed my life in a profound way. Ignore these books at your own peril!
Pushing the cusp of greatness. 9 out of 10 These are books that I love, but to a smaller degree. They are books that I could still talk about for hours, but do not have the life changing aspect of those in The Elite. That does not mean they are not great, because they are. But the Elite is a tough category to get into. I would highly suggest anything in this category.
Amazingly good read. 7-8 out of 10 These are the books that you really, really like. There may be just one of two things I don’t like them that keeps them from being in the upper echelon above. Yet, these stories are damn good. My rule of thumb is if I am willing to re-read it, or try more by the author, it will usually at least end up in this category.
Like it, but that is about it. 6 out of 10 These are the books that are OK. Nothing great about them, but enough interest to at least make me want to continue reading. You know the one. The one with the amazing idea, but then lacked in something else? I would normally suggest something from this category, but with a bit of caution. Very iffy as to whether I would re-read this or not.
Average, average, average. 5 out of 10. This one pretty much speaks for itself. The book was just average. Not horrible, but lacking something that could have made it a bit more interesting.
Awful, but at least it was at least better than Light or Blindness. 3-4 out of 10 Yes, I hated Light by M. John Harrison and Blindness by Jose Saramago so much; they became part of my grading system. If I liked the book more than those two, but just barely, it makes itself into this category. Which means it is still an awful book, but it could have been worse.
OMG I Hate this book! 1-2 out of 10 See above mentioned reference to Light and Blindness. Would not give these books to someone I hated. Books in this category are worse than drivel. Reading them is painful and could possibly be used as a form or torture. If someone suggests one of these books to you, RUN LIKE HELL!
Unable to finish. We have all attempted to read this and couldn't. It was so bad that you gave up after a while to move on to something better (obviously).
This is subject to change, but it will work for now.