Job Hunt

Jan 28, 2008 16:42

Well, I am on the hunt for a job. Karen Jackson set up a great little job fair for the employees of my store last week. And I have set up a resueme.

I have had two hits on monster. One was the Navy (and I'm actually taking that one fairly seriously). And the other is an insurance company. I've never heard of them but my dad has so I might as well give them a call and check it out.

Then from the job fair I've put in two applications and may put in more when I get the chance. I've also another job fair on Wednesday to go to that has a radio station as one of the potential employers.

I do have to say that for me it sucks that so much of applying for jobs is done on line. Since I am almost never on, and when I am it is to a limit of two hours, taking the time to search is extremely hard. I have about three email accounts that in those two hours I have to check. And like today, I have an address to look up so I know how to get to the job fair. And if I get a chance I like to check in here. So I have to use my time wisely. I must admitt that it makes those places that are looking at Macy's associates and gave us the website and are looking for our names just a bit more attractive. But I want just a bit more. But I must admitt the searching is just as time consuming as entering in an application and that sure seems to grow exponentally (sp?) each year.

And actually I am going to cut this session incredibly short because I am getting a headache. Probably time for me to get some food into my stomach. So since I am working all day tomorrow I will probably not see any of your responses until Wednesday at the earliest. Have a great night. *chuckles*
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