Visiting and Homecoming

Aug 13, 2006 08:53

Well, it is bright and early on a Sunday morning. Some of you may be asking 'Stacey? Out of bed before nine on her day off? On a Sunday off?' Yes, I know that is an uncommon experience. (Though I would be getting out of bed about now, really I would be.)

But today is a special day. Today I am going to go visit friends. I am going to go visit my little sis, Nise. I haven't seen her since May but at least this time we are keeping in more regular contact! *grins* I love my little. While I am meeting up with her Chris may stop by. Haven't seen him in about five or six months so it will be good to catch up.

Then I'm going to be heading over to meet up with Mark and Angela. Haven't seen them in a few months either. I think it was Wrestlemania. I just hope I don't get lost finding them. My driving experience in Columbus has been pretty limited.

After spending some time with Mark and Angela (but alas no Alex :( ) I will be heading over to eat with Aaron. Aaron is some I just met but as a few of you on here can attest to I can make friends with just one meeting and end up being friends with them for a long time. (I just realized that most of those people are not on Livejournal. I really need to drop by the fishing hole.)

So I have a full day planned. I should do this more often. Okay, okay, I'll write Faith back soince she actually wrote me. (I know a surpirse, my sister is normally not that proactive).

Hey Muskies out there. Any of you going to homecoming? I took time off work and I know Kate is coming out. (She's looking at flight times at the moment.) Maybe this year we can actually get a group of people together instead of just three (or two after I left on my vacation!). I'll volunteer to organize if people contact me to let me know if they are interested. :) (Did I really just do that to myself? Lord and Lady help!)

Okay, time for me to go. I need to be heading out to Columbus. See some of you soon! (Yeah, I am getting excited about visiting!)
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