Dec 12, 2003 10:54
Livin' at Jennifer's, hidin out from Josh, was dating Ted, we broke up... um...not really fuckin around with coke anymore, just smokin a whoollllleeee lotta weed...getting my own place in January, got my car again....I'm here at grams since last night because Josh was bein a fuck head last night and was drivin around lookin for me. Start school on January 17....ummmmm.....I think that's' about it. It was nice to date Ted because he was far crazier than I could ever want to be, lol. You wouldn't believe the break-up story if I told you. Thank GOD Megan was there to witness it all so that people HAVE to believe me. You just can't put 2 crazies together. You just can't.
OH! Funny little story. Last night I was at the Industry police station with Sarah and Megan visiting my friend Brian while he was on duty. Here's me, snoopin through shit, lookin at everything with Megan...and we see a picture of this guy on the bulletin board and I'm like "HEY! THERE'S JAY!" (Jay's this kid I'm talkin to..was supposed to go out with one night next weekend) So we're readin, thinkin he was up there for like DUI or some shit....nope...they have his picture up there because he is an out of state Megan's Law offender...who know's what Megan's Law is???? Yeah, the not so technical term for that, is RAPE. YAY! So we're just gonna cross him off the list.
Just so you know if you call me and get my voice mail, and it say's you've reached Sarah.... it's still my phone, but I told Josh I got my cell phone number changed, and so that's the only way I know how to make him believe it without actually changing it. So, it's still me, don't get thrown off.
Ok kiddies...sorry I couldn't tell ya anything else fun or interesting, but if ya wanna call me i'll talk to ya! I'm really sorry I haven't gotten a chance to talk to a lot of u... please understand how helacious my life is right now. I'm never home or have any free time to do anything, but I promise promise promise to make more time,and once I get my apartment, ya'll are MORE than welcome to come visit and hang out.