Surreal. Brazilian. Awesome.

Oct 27, 2011 15:18


Many of you were around for this post, in which the people at Novo Concieto, who are publishing Juliet Immortal in Brazil, blew my mind with their amazing poster of Romeo and Juliet and the news of a party for the Julieta Imortal book launch.

Now, I'll my mind this party was pretty swanky. I imagined some nice snacks, decorations, perhaps a yummy Brazilian beverage or two. I did NOT imagine video coverage of the party. I did NOT imagine anything at all like this:

image Click to view

THAT up there, my friends, went beyond blowing my mind. It's a real, professionally produced entertainment segment, covering an amazing party with beautiful people attending. And there were delicious posters and editors giving clever interviews (I don't understand Portuguese, but I could tell they were clever, couldn't you?). There were gift bags and some sort of THEATRICAL PRESENTATION! With a girl wearing TOE SHOES!!! (I don't know what that had to do with the book, but as a former ballerina, I am ALL about anything that involves toe shoes.)

All this. Because of my book. My. Book.

*stunned silence*

*more stunned silence*

I'm...yeah. I am... Wow.

Seriously, I had to smack my husband in the chest a few dozen times and shout "for real?" "for real?" when we watched this on youtube last night. And then we went out and had drinks. Because that felt like what needed to happen and we had a babysitter so what the heck, right?

It was surreal, but exciting. Sur-citing. And this is coming from a woman who has seen her face on the Sci Fi channel more times than she'd prefer in really bad horror movies. But seeing myself on television never affected me the way this video did. The first was kind of a cringe-worthy feeling, this was pure Wow. I are all this people...coming together and getting dressed up and having fun with something I wrote.

I feel so lucky. And grateful. And inspired to write something even better next time.

*takes a deep breath*

And just in case you didn't catch the Twitter-spasm I had yesterday, here's Novo Concieto's trailer for Julieta Imortal. I've never had a live action trailer for a book before. Let alone one with ORIGINAL BRAZILIAN POP MUSIC. (Everything is at least 35% cooler with Brazilian pop music.)

image Click to view

MANY many thanks to Novo Concieto for an amazing launch and for all the support of the book. And thanks again to my Brazilian readers and to the amazing translator who worked on the book (Who is also my Facebook friend. The internet is cool sometimes. Like when I get to be friends with my Portuguese translator. It is not cool when I have to see my creepy ex-boyfriend recommended as a "friend" every other time I enter into Facebook's realm. Give it up, Facebook. It's not going to happen.)

Also--last but not least--many thanks to my amazing editor at Delacorte, without whom, none of this awesome would be possible. She saw possibilities where others saw "what the heck-er-y." She's a gem, that one. Big time.

Okay, I swear I'll quit plaguing everyone with posts like this. This was just so cool--and completely unprecedented for me, personally--that I couldn't resist posting and thanking all the people again. Because can you really be too thankful to the people? I think not.

Come back tomorrow for the LAST creepy cake entry. Next week we announce the winners! Both author and commenter (so if you haven't commented on the creepy cake posts, go do so. They are marked clearly in earlier entries on this very blog.)

Also, I might have a Birthday Reflections post up soon. I had some. Reflections. On my birthday. And I even jotted them down so I'd remember them after the happy cake coma was over.



people who rock, thanks, wth?, awesomesauceness, graphic live images, i'm older now, book trailer, foreign release, juliet immortal, food is good

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