Creepy Cake N Bake: Attack of the Zombie Clown Cupcakes

Oct 05, 2011 06:30

It was a peaceful afternoon at the zombie cake graveyard.

The icing was moist and fresh, the Oreo grave dirt was crumbly, and Trixie, Maria, and Nicole were sure their Confectionery Undeath couldn't get much better, when...

*maniacal laughter sounds from cake left*

Trixie: Unhhh. Unnnhhh? Unh unh...
(Translation for those who don't speak zombie: Aw mah god, Nicole. Did you hear that just now? That sounded like...)

Trixie and Nicole: Unh! UNH! Unhhhhhhh!!!
(Translation: Zombie clown cupcakes! Ahhhhh!!!!)

Nicole: Unh unh unh unh. Unh unh uuuunh uh?
(Translation: Trixie, zombie clown cupcakes scare the brains out of me. What are we going to do?)

Clown number one: Heee hee unhhhh heeee!
(Translation: There's nothing you CAN do! There is no escape!)

Clown number two: Hee unh heee heeeee hee!
(Translation: We'll make you laugh your face off, and then we'll EAT it!)

Clown number three: Hee hee hee!
(Translation: Hee hee hee!)

*menacing silence from cupcake left and rear*

Clown number one: Hee unh...
(Translation: Wait a second. Is that...)

Clowns Number Two and Three: HEE! UNH UNH!

Clown Number One: Unh unh uuunnnh. Hee hee!
(Translation: The zombie clown cupcake's sworn enemy!)

Clown Number Two: Unh unh unh. *shudders*
(Translation: They're so small and...quiet! *shudders*)

Clown Number Three: Unh Hee!
(Retreat, retreat!)

Zombie Mime: *menacing silence*

Zombie mime: *more menacing silence*

Zombie mime: *the most menacing silence of all*

And so Trixie, Maria, and Nicole were saved by the zombie mime mini cupcake and all was well. At least until the five o'clock cub scout troop meeting..

(Cake, cupcakes, and mini cupcakes by Stacey Jay. Flowers by Mother Nature, skeleton wall cling by Martha Stewart, the one homemaker who will rule them all.)

(Inspired by Martha Stewart's clown cupcakes, but with 100% more zombie and green icing.)

Step One: Using your sharpest, deadliest knife, cut a cone shape out of the top of the cupcake, like so:

Step two: Fill up the sad, empty place left behind in the cupcake's heart with some candy. (Because candy is good for things like this.)

Step three: Scoop out a scandalously huge ice cream scoop full of Nuclear Contamination Green icing.

Step four: Plop that icing down on top of the cupcake. Smooth it around a bit. I like to use a cheese knife. Because I am fancy. (And I have no pastry tools.)

Step Five: Ring the zombie clown cupcake's neck with candies to make a happy clown collar.

Step six: Approach the tic tacs and sprinkly bits carefully. (Warning: The sprinkly bits are a pain in the butt to arrange. A toothpick helps, a little, but still...pain in the butt.)

Step seven: Arrange the pain-in-the-butt sprinkly bits in two X's for zombie eyes and stick a tic-tac below for the zombie nose.

Step eight: Retrieve your cone shape, squeeze a dollop of icing on top, and dip in black sprinkles. Plop on zombie's head.

Step nine: Drizzle red gel icing for blood-splatter decoration, and voila!


Step one: Cover your cake in green icing (you can use a darker color. I went for fluorescent green since I happened to have that color already mixed up.)

Step two: Remove the icing from 10 Oreo cookies, place inside plastic bag, and smash them to bits. Crumble on top to make grave dirt. Use whole cookies to line the outside of the cake for prettification purposes.

Step three-five: Take the grave-shaped sugar cookies you made the night before (you made those, right?), decorate them with edible markers (available at most cake supply stores) and stick them into the Oreo dirt. Hack apart a few small dolls (McDonald's toys are good for this. These are some mini Madame Alexanders my stepdaughters and I dissected a few years ago), and stab them into the dirt so it looks as if they're emerging from the grave.

And voila! Part deux!

This post has been brought to you by: Zombies are Scary, Clowns are Scarier, but Zombie Clowns are the Scariest of All.

All right, people!

The Creepy Cake N Bake-a-Thon is ON! Vote for your favorite entry by commenting below. You can comment on EVERY Cake N Bake post, one entry per post, for a chance to win a $20 gift certificate from Barnes and Noble or an official Creepy Cake N Bake doll! Please include your email in order to be entered to win.

Trophies will be awarded on Halloween for the top creeptastic creations. Winners will be chosen by our special Celebrity Judge, Adam Rex, author of such deliciously creepy creations such as FAT VAMPIRE, FRANKENSTEIN TAKES THE CAKE, FRANKENSTEIN MAKES A SANDWICH, and PSSST!

Here's a list of every stop!

Mon Oct. 3 - Saundra Mitchell
Wed Oct 5 - Stacey Jay (AKA me)
Friday Oct 7 - Erin Dionne
Saturday Oct 8 - Sydney Salter
Mon Oct 10 - Brenna Yovanoff
Wed Oct 12 - Tara Hudson
Friday Oct 14 - Karen Healey
Saturday Oct 15 - Robin Bridges
Mon Oct 17 - Michelle Zink
Wed Oct 19 - Julia Karr
Friday Oct 21 - Victoria Schwab
Saturday Oct 22 - C.Lee McKenzie
Sunday Oct 23 - E. Kristin Anderson
Mon Oct 24 - Natalie Zaman
Wed Oct 26 - Stephanie Burgis
Friday Oct 28 - Dawn Metcalf

Thanks y'all! Hope to see you around the contest. I'll be posting links to every entry right here on the blog for your ease and convenience.

Stacey Jay

wth?, creepy cake, food is good, zombies

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