Lots of STUFF! Read if you like winning, mascots, and zombies!

Sep 02, 2009 08:24

First up, the August winner of the summer reads and tees contest must be announced....are you ready? And the winner is...RHIANNA! From Montana! Congrats Rhi, all those comments paid off with big time super entries. So just shoot me an email to stacey.jay.ya at gmail.com and I will get your signed copy of Melissa Francis's "Bite Me" and the kick ass vampire orthodontics t-shirt out asap.

Everyone else, stay tuned for more contest excitement and adventure. At the end of the month I'll be telling you how you can win two of my last remaining Advanced Reader Copies of UNDEAD MUCH? That's right, win it before you can buy it in stores and all that good stuff.

In other news, I'm guest blogging over at The Epic Rat for Zombie Week. Head over there for a chance to win a YOU ARE SO UNDEAD TO ME t-shirt! And to read my brilliant blogging about songs-to-kick-zombie-butt-to of course ;).


And in still other news and linkage-ness, head over to Zombies in Tiaras for some blogging about weird school mascots. Go ahead, click the link, I promise you won't be sorry.


And that's all I got. Thanks ya'll.

Stacey Jay

zombies in tiaras, guest blog, contests, zombies

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