I've been reviewed by Smart Bitches, Trashy Books!
I swear, it's just an honor to be reviewed...and not horribly skewered (a C is still a passing grade, people!). Here's a bit of what Smart Bitch Sarah had to say:
"Stacey Jay writes in a friendly, easy style that readers looking for a fun and low-impact read will enjoy, and the otherworldly elements are woven into the story from the heroine’s perspective so that the reader and the narrator discover that world simultaneously."
Oooo....that's nice!
"Jay has a wonderfully cinematic style to her writing, and her descriptions hold a clarity that allowed me to picture the scenes in my head as if I were watching them on tv. I could see this as a teen show...picked up for a season or two, or more. I like the heroine, and I like the dude set up as the hero.”
That's nice too! Yeay!
The other bits....aren't so positive, but that's okay. I can see SMS's point on some of her critique and, as always, it's a thrill to see a woman out there speaking her mind without worrying about hurting people's preshush wittle feewings.
And I hope someone in TV-land is reading that review right now and calls my agent wanting to talk series, man! That would be all kinds of nifty.
Thanks for stopping by, and if you'd like to read the entire review or comment on what SMS had to say, you can find all the reviewy goodness here:
http://www.smartbitchestrashybooks.com/index.php/weblog/comments/you-are-so-undead-to-me-by-stacey-jay/ Later!
Stacey Jay