Ahh...Square Books Jr. in Oxford Mississippi...could there be a more idyllic, gorgeous, fabulous bookstore? Or more dedicated, fabulous, and fantastical booksellers? Or more savvy, fabulous and enthusiastic teen readers?
I think not...I think not...
Within minutes of arrival, I had already learned a lot from Square books...
I had only moments to contemplate my newfound knowledge, however, before I encountered an actual Teen Reader!
I signed her book...
And she modeled this FABULOUS t-shirt for me! (Yes, that is the "You are So Undead to Me" t-shirt, available only through ME! You must suck up or win a contest or flatter me in such a way that I don't think you are flattering me, simply realizing my true made of awesomeness to such a degree that it warrants a t-shirt fee plus postage and handling.)
And as if encountering an actual Teen Reader wasn't exciting enough, I soon after had the pleasure to meet and greet two actual zombies, recently risen from their graves. (They died young, which is clearly the only reason they still look so fabulous.) I could only assume these zombies had heard about my zombilicious book and crawled from their eternal rest simply to snag a signed copy.
I was, needless to say, very flattered...
So flattered, that I decided a ride on the local unicorn was the only way to fully express my extreme gratitude for such a zombie and teen-tastic signing. Of course...it was then that tragedy struck. (As it often does after encountering a unicorn. They attract trouble like shiny, sparkly, horned trouble magnets, man.)
So anyway, while I was frolicking with the unicorn, my preshush hubs was attacked by a giant caterpillar with an uholy and zombie-esque hunger for hubs brains. (Or maybe it just wanted to snag his glasses for a souvenier. You never can tell with giant caterpillars.)
Luckily, the unicorn agreed to let me gore the caterpillar to death with its horn. Which I did with utmost enthusiasm and efficiency.
After all the BIG events of the night, I had to take a wee nap on my signing desk, but did manage to rally in time to hit a kick ass zombie party and embarrass myself by singing onstage with the wonderful Jill and to dissect said performance with the equally wonderful Jeff.
But in all seriousness, thank you Jil and Jeff and Teen Readers and Zombies! The signing in Oxford was amazing and I hope to see you all soon!
Now for interview linkage! Go forth and read about me and my book and have a wondrous week!
2/10 Kristin Walker
http://walkwrite.livejournal.com 2/11 Mandy Hubbard
http://mandywriter.livejournal.com/ 2/12 Sarah Ockler
http://sarahockler.com 2/13 Rhonda Stapleton
http://rhondastapleton.blogspot.com/ 2/14 Cyn Balog
http://cyn2write.livejournal.com/ 2/15 Megan Frazer
http://meganfrazer.com/?page_id=56 2/16 Jackson Pearce
http://www.jacksonpearce.com See you next Tuesday!
Stacey Jay