I can't believe it's really happening. I'm at a loss for words. BUT NOT AT A LOSS FOR SENTENCES WRITTEN IN ALL CAPS! I <3 MY CAPS LOCK! I conceived and birthed an entire new person and still had time left to burn waiting for this day to come around. So's big. Really big.
I'm getting ready to head out and scope a few book store shelves like a huge dork, but if you'd like to read some interviews in which I speak more eloquently about my book and am occasionally funny or clever or interestingly strange, please check out the following stops on the Debs blog tour.
The Debs are a fabulous group of 2009 debut authors and I am lucky enough to be the first among them to release so they are graciously hosting me on their blogs. I'll be having all of them back over for a visit throughout the year so be sure to keep stopping back by. These are really some very talented people and I'll be proud to pimp their lit here on my blog.
So starting today and running through this weekend, check out these peeps. Then, stop back on Tuesday for a new set of links. I'll be touring for the next month so you'll have more Stacey Jay interview action than you can handle. I'm told it's impossible to overdose on blog tour, however, so you should be fine :).
1/22 Jenny Moss 1/23 Erin Dionne 1/24 Saundra Mitchell 1/25 Cynthia Liu 1/26 J.E. Macleod And just in case you crave more from me today, the ever sweet and also zombie loving Amanda Ashby is hosting me on her blog today! Thanks Amanda! And thanks to everyone who has read or will read my book. You all rock.
Happy Thursday,
Stacey Jay