Feb 21, 2004 21:05
friday brought amazing things. group dinner at friendly's/roadtrip with little getting lost to baltimore and amazing drivin skills by yours truly/amazing rock and roll show of my boys in SR-71. I danced little bum off with special k and alana and now my bod aches. We hung around after the show and before i knew it there was a professional line and miss corbett and myself were at the very front and soon being pushed into the rocker boys. John totally remebered me from the Jeff days and noted my verrry long drive to see the show, pat commented on my "very cool" hair, and Mitch said while grabbing at my shirt" what does that say?.. property of butch walker?! well of course you are!" then we discussed the croch shot and got the hottest pic of all time as he reached and said" come here you sexy little thing"! those words are still ringing in my ears.. Batlimore's hottest bachelor.... watch out ladies!
i attempted to dirve back/tanner took over/k got sick. all in all little stresses.. rock and good things over ruled. we made it home at 4am. to sleep 2 hours til it was time to awake. my step dad made alana and I a delish pancake breakfast and then sadly, it was off to the airport. i've been going non stop ever since and im slowly tiring out.
i got a lot done today/mostly internet stuff. got a call from dear todd who is somewhere in illinois. he told me that he misses me, is terriably homesick , and that i am home to him. i started to tear up... miss him soo much! come home, dalring! DC's not the same!
i got mom and i's jarflys(jimi haha) tix today. yay! and just when i thought things couldn't get better.. i find out from terry(sarah m's manager) that he's gonna try to get me reunited with ms.mclachlan at the show! its too much. i swear i'll die from mere exposure to happiness....
in matters of the heart.. its time for you to choose the bullet or the chapstick baby...