Nov 13, 2003 19:27
sitting here at the end of what turned out to be a very busy and eventful day. jess and i just enjoyed spicy queso with chips and are catching up on stories from last night while we were apart. i made it to all my classes today. had lunch with ali and some very hungry scene boys that I signed in as well. it was fun. visited with Amir and some egde boys for a bit then off to class. Ali and i dipped out to go get our shots at the clinic. big mistake. I was there for the rest of the afteroon in complete chaos that made me angry. it was way too crazy in there and i forgot my wallet, had to run all the way back to grc, then all the way back and they still didn't call my name. i had to pay 15 bones which i did not have to spare.. im sincerely broke and its no joke. all i have to show is a very sore and itchy tattoo and new hair colors which are reminiscent of a skunk... but its the look that i was going for anyways. i slept so well last night.. i always do over there. ah, and its so mixed up yet it keeps me ticking... makes my life interesting to say the least. i should be getting a good nights sleep... Ali's tomorrow to paaaaartaaay! but i know that i will be awake to all crazy hours of the am doing god knows what.. and its about to start right now...