
Sep 16, 2004 11:50


Now i lay me down to sleep,
I pray for a man whos not a creep.
One whos handsome, smart and stong.
One whos cock is thick and long.
One who'll make love till my body is twitching,
In the garden, the bog or in the kitchen.
I pray this man will love me till no end and never attempt to shag my best friend
And as i kneel down on my bed...
I look at the wanker you sent instead.

yeah so that made me chuckle. heh.
well. not really sure why i'm updating this. i have nothing interesting to say.

i have an interview for a full time job down safeway on saturday.
i know safeway isn't exactly a great place to work but it's within walking distance.. and i won't have to take bus fare out of my wages. and it's money.
also it's something to do. i'm pretty sure that sitting at home doing fuck all for a year will get abit boring so i want something to do.
if i don't get the job down safeway.. i'll just a full time job somewhere else, simple as.

tonight i went to see Dodgeball with robin, laura and andy. it was a laugh. i haven't really hung out with anyone from school in a while so tonight was refreshing.
the film is so funny. we were all laughing all the way through it.
it was cool just catching up.
heard some things about sophie. lmfao. not all that suprising.
but. now cheating on chris all the time apparently wasnt enough for her.. she's now after a 40 year old (or 44. or something), some guy who works with chris as a kick boxing instructor or something like that *shrugs* but yeah anyways.. she wants to fuck him cus he is loaded. lmao.
can we say prostitute? (yes.)
i'm not being funny. and don't get me wrong cause i hate her, but is it me, or does she need help?
clearly only having chris' attention isn't enough for her.. and she has to turn to all these different people for attention, so wouldn't it be better off that she is single.. then she can fuck all these guys, without ruining their lifes..
('their lifes' is chris' in this matter)
..leading them on and treating them like shit.. and then she wouldn't have the reputation of being a cheater hung over her head.. just a slut.....
i could say alot more here but i won't. :)

anyways. i need to get money. cause i really wanna go back up to london in october with le iNet krew. \m/
i thinkz. i r going up there on the thurs.. same as steve.. and we're sharing a hotel room.. going halves...and then i'll be going back on saturday or sunday.
should be a bit cool. ;D

right now. i'm listening to tbs. and i swear, their cd is nothing to them live.
everything at that gig was amazing.. the atmosphere.. the crowd.. the band (obviously) and, well, everything. even thought i almost fainted at one point.. it was still probably one of the best shows i've been to.
that's probably because it was taking back sunday too.. one of my fave bands.. if not the fave and seeing them was just beautiful.
it's weird. listening to the tracks on the CD give me flashbacks of the show.. it's kinda touching. <3.
i'm a bit emoXcore.
*does the loser sign on her forehead*
yup, i knowz it.

anyways. i r tired and stuffs and wanna go sleep so nighty nighterz.
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