
Oct 28, 2006 22:09

Before I go into the video, I wanna shout out to ringwrench ! For several reasons, one she pointed me in the right direction to get a movie maker that I could afford so yay! Then for helping me figure out the glitches BIG ones as in coverting my files so I could actually use them and updating me with codecs and basically just being an all around great person for helping me out! Thank you so very much, words could never express how much I appreciate your help. And then? Because personally even if I don't brag about my videos, I feel pretty good about this one and so I dedicate my (in my opinion)my best video to ringwrench Right, so now I'll move along to the details!

Title: Crawling
Artist: Linkin' Park
Vidder: Stacey
Characters: Sam Winchester centered.
Spoilers: All 5 eps of season 2. And a fair amount of season 1.
Size: 31.9
Disclaimer: How I wished I owned this show and those boys! Yum! But, I don't. I only have claim to the time it took to make this video which is quite a few hours but worth it.
Summary: Well as per usual I am posting the lyrics so you get a better feel for what I'm trying to vid. But it is a very Sam visions as well as his place in his family oriented video. How he tries to come to grips but some how finding normal is always just out of reach and so he must learn to accept his place in the Supernatural world with the help of Dean. :)
V/N: There is a minor glitch or two in this vid, some may not even notice them but I do because I tried to ditch 'em but in the end? I found that keeping my hair was much more important. If you're up to date on codecs, this vid should play just fine for you. :)


Streaming Vid


crawling in my skin
these wounds they will not heal
fear is how I
confusing what is real

there's something inside me that pulls
beneath the surface
this lack of self-control I fear
is never ending
controlling/I can't seem

to find myself
my walls are closing in
(without a sense of confidence I'm convinced
that there's just too much pressure to take)
I've felt this way before

crawling in my skin
these wounds they will not heal
is how I fall
confusing what is real

discomfort, endlessly has pulled
itself upon me
against my will I stand beside my own
it`s haunting how i cant seem...

to find myself again
walls are closing in
(without a sense of confidence I'm convinced that
there's just too much pressure to take)
I've felt this way before

crawling in my skin
these wounds they will not heal
is how I fall
confusing what is real

crawling in my skin
wounds they will not heal
fear is how I fall
confusing confusing what is

there's something inside me that pulls beneath the
consuming,confusing what is real
this lack of self-control I fear
is never ending
controlling,confusing what is real


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