Sam centric Vid - Toy Soldiers

Oct 15, 2006 18:10

Title: Toy Soldiers
Artist: Martika
Vidder: Stacey
Size: 20.88MB
Spoilers: Season 1 and all 3 eps of Season 2
Disclaimer: Does not belong to me. Belongs to the CW and The Kripke. :)
Characters: Sam Winchester with cameo appearances from Dean, John, Mary, Jessica and the Demon.
V/N: As per my usual habit, I posted the lyrics as they can explain so much more then I ever could. This is a Sammy video for those Sam fans. :) Since my last one was based on Dean, I couldn't very well leave out the little brother.
Category: LOTS of Angst. Hello, its about Sam Winchester. ;)
Summary: From the very beginning when he was six months old, to meeting Jessica, losing his dad and trying to close the bridge between him and Dean. Pain and death have followed Sam Winchester around like their his shadows.

Streaming Video

Just in case you tube is still being an arse, here's another link for a streaming vid.
Click here to watch 'SPN---Toy-Soldiers'

updated: 11/15/06


Step by step
Heart to heart
Left right left
We all fall down like toy

It wasn't my intention to mislead you
It never should have
been this way
What can I say

It's true I did extend the
I never knew how long you'd stay
When you hear temptation
It's your heart that takes, takes a fall

Won't you come out and
play with me

Step by step
Heart to heart
Left right
We all fall down like toy soldiers
Bit by bit
Torn apart
never win
But the battle wages on for toy soldiers

It's getting hard
to wake up in the morning
My head is spinning constantly
How can it

How could I be so blind to this addiction
If I don't stop the next
one's gonna be me
Only emptiness remains
It replaces all, all the

Won't you come out and play with me


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