New Years!!! :o)

Dec 31, 2003 16:52

Hey everyone!
So I guess it's that time of the year again! Everyone excited or what?? Still can't beleive that it was a year ago today that we were all sitting in Pizza Experts....and I was just about to turn 17. Now I am turning 18....I'm wit Ryan when my first time meeting him was New years eve and I am one year closer to dying. lol Oh my. Good times.

ALL of my girlz better get ready for Saturday night (January 3rd) cause it's gonna be one nite u are NOT gonna forget. It's gonna be quite fun lemme tell ya. Beer, Pizza and ice cream cake. I'm excited. Hehehe. Plz lemme know if you can/can't make it.

Anywayz, I'm here at Ryans getting ready to go out to dinner with him and his family cause I am cool. I gotta go now, but I spose I will update later on and let you all know how my party went. Gonna be SOME funny. lol

Loves ya all!
Love you Ryan baby.....4 months yesterday, 1 years knowing you today! Love you SO much sweetie. Ur everything to me babe.
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