It's been 12

Jun 12, 2003 16:47

Hey Byze!
Well now, I haven't updated THIS in a while. It has been a pretty busy week and a half....lots of study to do. (Yeah fuckin right! lol)

Exams started yesterday and of course, they had to make my worst subject first. Math. I fuckin hate it. The exam was a lot harder than I actually thought it was gonna be. I dunno. Maybe I just didn't review enough. Those who know me know that I can't keep a book in my hand longer than 5 minutes unless it's some wicked romance novel that I am crazy about. I am just happy I don't need to see my mark for it. Cause I know right now that I failed it. BAD! Hopefully now it don't bring my average down too much. I worked to hard to get it to a 70%. Urrgg.

I had my english exam today. It wasn't too bad seeing how we all knew the two questions that were worth the most. Haha. Some teacher in bishops gave away that solioguys and a comparison essay about two different peices of work were the essay type questions going to be on the exam. So, I studied all about it last night and kinda had myself prepared for it. Smart me. lol Hopefully this exam makes up for my shitty math mark. haha

I got 4 exams left now tho. World Geography(public), Biology (I'm SCREWED), Canadian Economy and Nutrition(stupid fuckin course). Oh well...3 days of exams left and then it's all over for 3 months. I think I can live wit that. lol

Anywayz, gone for some supper. Cooked Dinner....YUM! :o)
TTYL later!
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