May 20, 2003 23:22

HEYYYY! What's up byze?

So one deadly ass weekend is gonna lead into yet another deadly one! WHOO! Oh girlz...Friday night is gonna be OUR camera and all....can't fuckin wait. I am gonna look SOOOO stupid...Loaded drunk and on camera. I'm gonna be like "Look Christine...I see you in da little hole!"...hhaha...I'm only jokin. This is just me getting on wit my shit again!

Yeah, so Heidi went and got her pictures developed that she took at Tobin's! And yes, I look like a fool in ALL of them...especially the one that she decided to show Taylor today. Me wit a gatorade bottle full of vodka and orange juice and a beer in da other hand! Haha And then Tommy next to me wit his MUG full of vodka....haha. What a crazy fuckin nite. So, Taylor just looks at the picture...tells Heidi that I am shockin and then looks down at me in the back of the room and just shakes his head and smiles. I was like "Taylor, I think I drank more on Friday night, then u did in total ur whole life!". He was just like "Yeah, I wouldn't doubt it." This is from a man who goes downtown wit his car and comes back wit his car. He goes "I can count on ONE hand, how many times I have actually been drunk." Krystal raises her hand then...."Ummm...Sir. I don't think I can even count on one hand the amount of times that I have been SOBER!" LOL....OH gurl...u crack me up...Ur crazy. It was a good laugh tho!

Hey Ryan!! :o)
I had to put ya in my entry cause I owe that to you. U've helped me make some good decisons tonight...and I know that I would of never been able to make them myself! I needed someone to help and talk me thru it...and u were always there for me to count on. Way to make me CRY tho! lol I am just sappy anywayz tho. I cried at the Lion King for fuck sakes! LOL But I just want u to know, that I am always here for you too buddy! No matter what! We are hard core hockey buddies for LIFE! :o) XOXOXO Thanks again.

And Sara...WHOO gurl! We should SOOOO be the ground buddies. Heidi don't deserve to me ur ground buddy!! (LOL, J/K!). But I never exactly had u as a pee buddy yet, so there's always time to make up for it! U should see us in Heidi's pics! Me and u are always together!! I was like "WHOO Sara is getting in a picture! ME TOO!" LOL....I had fun Friday night anywayz tho...pee buddy or not. And well...there's always the party they are having the last school day of the year. We can be pee buddies then! haha Loves ya gurl! XOXOXO

Yesterday, Me, Sara, Ennis, Jon, Danielle, Nick, Emily and Sam, all went on a...road trip? Haha. What a laugh we had tho...RUNNIN FROM THE COPS! HAHAHA! They deffinatley called the cops on us sure....Ennis had us all in da car hitting 170-180 and Nick was drivin the other car TRYIN (haha) to go just as fast. We were all driving out the highway towards Topsail Beach..and we went to McDonalds and went to look at cars all along Kemount Rd. We stopped into some place for a bit to talk about where we were gonna head to next and we saw a police car in the used parking lot behind us. Ennis didn't even have his registration on him either. (Good Job Then we were driving back out towards the city and they had ANOTHER two police cars waiting for us there. Someone had to call the cops. It was just a quincidence that they were there waiting for us to come out. Scary shit, but we took our time and got outta there anywayz. It was fun! haha

Then we went to Cape Spear and even out to Petty Harbour! It was crazy, but what a laugh I had. Then it had to be all ruined cause I had to come home and write a 1000 word essay wit Mandy! FUCK! lol (J/K girl, we got it done...not TOO bad of a job done on it either. We are

And now we all got a road trip/campin trip planned for the summer. We all needs to win the fuckin lottery before we even TRY to go to Terra Nova to go campin....Danielle will eat us outta all our gas money to get HOME! LOL hahahaha J/K! Loves ya girl! Hopefully now, we can all get some time off work at the same time. It's gonna be fuckin difficult. But lets hope it works out!

Anywayz, I'm going to bed. I got a geography test first period that I didn't open a book for. Haha. Wish me luck! I'm gonna be DEAD! Love you all!!

Countdown to Friday night! ---> 3 Days!! Can't wait! :o)

Nite all!
Sweet Dreams!

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