The SHAGGY concert.....& etc!

May 09, 2003 01:10

I can't even DESCRIBE how DEADLY the last few days has been! It all went WAYYYY to fast tho! Things that we have been waiting to come, all pretty much happend in the same day!

Yesterday was Ness's birthday as MANY people knew, and she went and did her road test and PASSED! I'm SOOO proud of her! We were at school and Amanda and I called her during recess to see how she did, and the truth was that I was afraid she wasn't gonna pass it first try! Not that I don't think she could of did it, but she can never keep her speed down! She's supposed to be going 50 and she goes 80 without even realizing it! Talk about Lead Foot...LOL. But she did a wicked job on her test and got many compliments from the woman that was testing her. I'm SOOO proud! She got OUR liscence! hahaha J/K!

And last night, was the night of all nights! It was SOOO much fun! Shaggy is the best! I would DEFINATLEY pay another $50 to go see him again. That's how good of a show it was! The place was PACKED and when Shaggy came onto the stage the place went UP!! We got deadly seats, really close to the stage, which means that we also got deadly pictures too. "Hey Sexy Lady" came on and me and the girlz went NUTZ!!!! That's one of my favorite songs...just because we waited SOO long to finally hear him sing it live. So today...actually right now, I don't have much of a voice left cause of screaming last night and my arms are really sore from doin all the arm waves and shit that we were doin for HOURS! Way worth it tho! It was AWESOME! The funniest thing he said was "I didn't come to Newfoundland for the Weather, And I didn't come for the smelly fish, I came to Newfoundland for da ladiessss...". I nearly shit a brick! It was WICKED!

Today was also really fun! It was quite the LONNNG day! This morning at 8:30, Vanessa came over and picked me up cause we were gonna go pick up Foe who went to school to drop in a project. No one was in school today...well barely anyone...and Foe didn't want to stay there the whole day. She wanted to be picked up at 11. So, we went crusin around wit da music up pretty much 9:00 in da morning. Oh yeah, we are COOL! haha. Then we stopped into "The Big R" where we had some breakfast (And lots of it! Bacon, eggs, toast, hashbrowns and apple juice)We drove around for another little bit about an hour later...went to vanessa house where Ness took her shower, then went to Pick up Foe. Then we picked Amanda up on Topsail Rd, went back to Ness's...I got a shower...then we went out to the big Wal-Mart in Mount Pearl. We went to McDonalds (where I own my first Big Mac! :o) )and then we dropped into Tims! There are TONS of other places we went but I can't remember all of them....and even if I would take me 3 years to type it all! LOL. We dropped off Megan and Amanda...and then I went back up to Ness's to help her clean up again, and pick the youngsters up from school! Then...............she drove me home and went to work for 5. Between today and yesterday...she used a full tanks worth of Gas....haha!! Oh god, we are SOOO gonna end up paying u a fortune for gas! If price goes up, fuck's back to walkin for us BITCHES! WHOO! lol

Tonight we went over to Christines to watch a movie! Nothing else to do anywayz, that DON'T involve money! But was a good laugh tho! It was Danielle, Sara, Me, Heidi and Foe there with Christine. We had a good time tho! Didn't we girlz? These are the times that we remember FOREVER! Remember that! :o)

Tobin's is in about a week!! What's on da go wit it tho!? Is it on da go, Friday? Saturday? Or Sunday nite? I keep hearing different stories! I don't know WHAT one to beleive! :o( But I am excited for that night anywayz tho cause I am bringing my camera to remember what I wouldn't cause I am gonna be loaded. At least wit Pic's I can SEE that I had a good time! haha It's going to be fun! I can't wait! :o)

Alright...well it's 1:30 here now, so I think I am gonna header to bed! I'm tired and Vanessa is picking me up again early tomorrow...we gotta clean out the jeep and we gotta put a hose to it. Wax would help a bit too. Haha. That's our baby...gotta keep er' pretty! HAHHA. Nite ALL! XOXOOXOX :o)

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