Hey people! :o)

Apr 22, 2003 11:41

Me and the girlz did some lotta trottin' around yesterday! My legs were shot and I got a blister on the back of my foot from my sneaker! lol I never walked around THAT much since...ummm...last summer when Foe and I decided to walk Downtown and walk up Signal Hill for fun! LOL Oh gurl, we are CRAZY! (But the candy at the top was always good! LOL)

Yesterday me and Foe just wanted to walk down Southside Road cause it's never very busy and we NEVER walk downtown that way. Amanda called us when we were leaving my house and wanted to come with us too. We met her by the fire station and then we had to walk to Amanda's house so she could drop off something she got at the mall. Then we walked to the village, got on route 5, got dropped off in front of Mile One, then made our way up the MILLIONS of staircases to get to the Big R to get Vanessa. What a trot. We got route 2 back to the Village again, and then we all walked BACK to my house and Foe's house. Then we walked up to Zellers to get something, went over to Mcdonalds where we met up with Gronco, Nipp and Liz, went over to Tim's where we met up wit Doug and then we walked home again! Holy FUCK! We are fuckin CRAZY! It was a pretty busy day, that's for sure! (Vanessa, hurry up and get ur God damned liscence! LOL)

Heidi, ur Easter entry nearly killed me also. It really affected me. I was thinkin about it for the longest old time. How could you go through life without anyone? 21 years old and all alone. Bringing in him surprizes and chocolate must of REALLY made his Easter great. I'm sure he really appriechiated what u did for him! U go gurl! :o)

And today, do I NOT have a sweet clue what I am gonna go at. It's pretty out again. Maybe I should go out on da deck and relax a bit? I better take advantage of it cause I heard it is supposed to rain for like the next 3 days. That sux ass!

Alright! I'm gone!
Love u all!!
Write a new entry later on! :o)
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