What a day!

Apr 17, 2003 22:58

Amanda:"Knock Knock"
Stacy: "Who dere by!? I mean, Who dat?" LOL
(Ohhhh myyyyy....the shit we get on wit! Haha)

Oh my! What a day! It was quite fun tho! I stayed off school today cause I didn't feel like going and there was probably not going to be many people in there anywayz, and besides that but I had like a million assignments to pass into teachers today, that I didn't wanna do the night before. So that's pretty much why I stayed off. LOL. I got up at like 10:00 cause I couldn't sleep (Don't ask me why, cause I don't know). I had to clean up my apartment, clean the kitchen and the bathroom upstairs, spottlessly clean the computer room cause it DESPERATLEY needed some cleaning, and then cleaned my room. Lots of cleaning. LOL

Around 4, Amanda and I decided to go out to Subway for supper (and of course I had my 6 inch Parmasan Oregeno with turkey!). We stayed there for like an HOUR talking about everything! EVERYTHING! Yeah, we are werid. Haha. We kinda like to talk about our personal lives in public when there's lotz of people sitting around us, listening to every word we are saying.(Just to make a fool of ourselfs and laugh it off later!). Then we went back to Amanda's house and stayed in her room for like 3 hours and talked and talked and got on with our shit cause we are retards! LOL Yeah...we even started making up our own fuckin knock knock jokes! HAHA! Oh my! What a fun night!

Then, I walked home from Amanda's house in the freezing cold, only to find that my parents went out somewhere. Took my sister along wit them too. God only fuckin knows where they are too now. But they took the car and the van, and that's a little werid. Let's just hope nothing's wrong! :o(

Anywayz, I'm going to watch a little T.V or something before bed. I got a LOOOOONNNGGG day ahead of me tomorrow (Fish Day at the Big R and I gotta seat like 200 people! AHHH!). Vanessa called me today and says "Stace, mom wants you to come in around 3 tomorrow" and I said ok....and then she says "3:00 tooooo....whenever!" That means ATLEAST 12! I am gonna be BEAT! Alright! GTG!
Love: *Stace*
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