Mar 09, 2005 15:56
hey all.. its been a few days so ill bring ya up to speed on the past few days...
Thursday: worked
Friday: worked
Saturday: babysat till 8ish then went over Chris's house.. watched a few movies and stuff
Sunday: chilled out all day, and ran errands
Monday: worked then American Idol
Tuesday: caught up on homework and watched American Idol. then phone and sleep.
Wednesday (Today): started out as a good day.. only had 4 classes then senior priv. but then went downhill.. dont really wanna get into details but lets just say.. coyle people NEED TO GROW UP AND FAST! ill leave it at that though. now im chillin out before work in a few minutes then its home to shower, watch the results show of American Idol and talk to my baby :)
"Lying close to you
Feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what'chor dreaming
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes and thank God we're together
I just wanna stay with you
In this moment forever forever and ever"
Def. LOVE that song..
baby i love you so much nothing can or ever will change that no matter what, i promise you. xoxo.