According to the
Which Something Corporate Song Are You? Test...
I just got back from a dance competition. i messed up... but o well. im goin back at 6 for awards. My recital is june 13 and im so excited :) lastnight i went to the y dance. it sucked at first and i wanted to go home but then me n ari party'd it up =)
for halloween, ari is bein sandy(the bad ass sandy at the end) im bein frenchy, mias bein marty and kels is bein rizzo. haha were gunna go up to peoples doorstep and sing songs!! WOOHOO PINK LADIES!
grr i dont wanna go to school 2morrow cuz we get progress reports :o im screwed. im failing math and science and spanish and like... everything. o well no surprise there :\
Post a memory of me in the comments. It can be anything you want.
Then - post this to your journal and see what people remember about you.
It could be any type of memory. Good or bad.
You don't do it on purpose
But you make me shake
Now I count the hours 'til you wake
With your babies breath
Breathe symphonies
Come on sweet catastrophe