May 12, 2005 14:20
flowers or angels?: Flowers I suppose, but I don't know how the two are in the same field.
color or black-and-white photos?: Black and white
lust or love?: Love
sunrise or sunset?: sunset
M&Ms or Skittles?:M and Ms I suppose
rap or rock?: I listen to crappy music from time to time but i'll say Rock
staying up late or waking up early? I assume that means sleeping late because why would anyone say waking up early. Either way, staying up late
TV or radio?: the radio has sucked recently, the t.v. has impressed me.
eating apples or oranges?: oranges
Do you have a crush?: Yes
Who is it?: I guess this brandon guy, he's alright :)
being hot or cold?: Cold.
tall or short people? middle
sun or moon?: sun...since I think it triggers some kind of happyness hormone
having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? 1 best friend, I don't even know 10 people
sun or rain? Kind of more rain, but only for a day.
vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?: chocolate
What is your biggest fear in the world? being stranded in the middle of the ocean
Kids or no kids? I would say affirmative
Cat or dog?: many dogs
Half empty or half full?: half full
Hard cover books or soft cover books?: Soft cover.
Newspaper or magazine?: I like both equally
Sandals or sneakers?: Sandals
Wonder or amazement?: wonder
Red car or white car?: white cre
Happy and poor or rich and sad: Happy and poor
Singing or dancing?: dancing.
Hugging or kissing?:I like both, but hugging is really affectionate
Happy or sad?: Happy
What time is it?: 2:25 in the PM
Nicknames?: Jsta, stabs, J-Unit (no, I just made that one up)
Name of siblings and age: todd-17 today
Birthdate: August 7th
Pets?:at my parents house one dog named sebastian. At my house now one cat named beckham and one hamster named waffles
Height?:5ft 4in
Eye color?: bluish green
Hair color?: dark blonde
piercing(s): Ears, cartilage and bellybutton.
How many kids do you want?: 3 or so
Do you want to get married? Yes, yes I do
2 doors or 4 (on a car)?: 4 doors
Coffee or ice cream?: coffee icecream
Shampoo or conditioner?: Shampoo now.
Bridges or tunnels? Bridges, better view
One pillow or two?: at least 2
Salad dressing?: Caesar
Color of socks?: usually no socks
food?: Greek spanakopita or now italian food.
color?: Green
1 minute ago: Pushing beckham away for suckling me
1 day ago: At work doing stupid stuff with equipment
1 week ago: I think waukegan for work
1 YEAR AGO: Working for little people, bitching about how I want to move out, and dancing to toxic
Wearing: Black pants, aqua tunic, with some black sheer thing over it.
Current Music: sir mix a lot-jump on it
Current Hair: down, blowdryed...suprisingly
Current Annoyance: Not actually that many...
Current Favorite Show: Scrubs..or survivor/project greenlight
Current Book: Not reading one at the time
Current Movie In DVD: Oceans 12
Surveys are fun. But it's cold and I need to go eat before i have to go back to work. I'm like livejournals # 1 fan the past couple of days.