HIMYM ITunes Shuffle Challenge

Jun 14, 2009 23:31

It takes them way too long to get their shit together and it’s driving Lily crazy.  She keeps watching them in the booth at MacLaren’s or on Ted’s sofa or leaning against the countertops in the kitchen, the energy literally visible between them, sizzling and electric and hot, and she keeps thinking…seriously.  Get it together.  She keeps thinking if they were just a little more grown up they would be meant for each other and there would be literally nothing keeping them apart.  As it is it’s just their fear, she thinks, their insecurity keeping that little bit of air between their bodies.

Robin told her about the hospital room.

She knows this is going to happen eventually and she watches the way they look at each other, the way they mentally undress each other, the way they silently beg each other for a little smile or glance or touch - a little hand against the thigh, a little shoulder to shoulder, a little oh you got some ketchup on your lip type contact.  She knows it’s going to happen eventually and all she keeps thinking is, seriously…

Just do it.

2.       I Think It’s Going to Rain Today - Randy Newman

Characters: Ted, Barney/Robin

Ted knows he never loved Robin, not really.  He knows he never loved her the way that Barney loves her with the starry eyes and the life altering promises and the comparing her to suits and swooning.  He knows he never loved her enough.

Ted knows Robin never loved him either, not really.  He knows she never loved him the way that she loves Barney with the speechlessness and the panic and the constantly changing her mind and second-guessing.  He knows.

It’s just…

It’s a rainy Sunday afternoon and Robin’s bedroom door is closed and he can hear them laughing.

And Ted knows what it’s like to be lonely.

3.       Dance with the Angels - Lisa Loeb

Characters: Robin, Barney/Robin

She sleeps with Barney a second time but it’s nothing like what she remembers.  She sleeps with him a second time because he asks her to let him.  He says “Please, Robin…” and she exhales and she follows him into her bedroom.

And now she’s not sure anybody has ever really made love to her before.  If they had she must not have been paying attention.

She feels him trace her heartbeat with his tongue.

She feels him plant beautiful into the cells of her skin.

She feels him press into her and it’s heavy and all of him and she’s afraid to move because she doesn’t want to lose this.

He looks at her like clouds and storms and the sky are in him and she can’t breathe, so Barney does it for her.

She wraps her arms around his shoulders and she holds onto him - because she wants to.

4.       Superman - Lazlo Blane

Characters: Marshall, Lily/Marshall

“I can’t believe you actually jumped!”

He nods at her, smiling, happy and shocked by his own bravery and his own sudden commitment to this thing he’s been wanting to do for so long.

He’s been trying to fly since he was about six years old, standing on rooftops and looking down thinking he could totally do it - it couldn’t be that hard - but every other time, every single other time he’s stepped back and down and turned away from it, realizing how human he really is and how he’ll never actually breeze past the clouds or land on the empire state building in his pajamas in the middle of the night.  He’s always stepped back and down and turned away from this.

“So awesome!” Lily exclaims and he nods at her.  He knows that if it weren’t for Lily he wouldn’t have tried.

He strips down to his boxers and he climbs into the hot tub and he presses a hot-tub-kiss on her hot-tub-lips and he says thank you.

Because Lily told him to take the leap, and then for a second it was like he could fly.

For just that one second, he could totally fly.

And it was so so awesome.

5.       Portrait of My Love - Matt Monro

Characters: Barney, Barney/Robin

He’d tried to explain it to James once.  He’d tried to tell his brother how exactly he felt about Robin Scherbatsky, how exactly she seemed to him - what it was about her that made him…

He’d tried.

He’d thought it was something like her out-of-this-world body combined with her badass attitude and quick as a whip wit.  He’d thought it was something like her smile, spreading open like it could reach out to him from across a table, pull him in, tie him up and make him beg her for mercy.  He’d thought it was something like how she laughed at most of his jokes and he could tell from months and years of studying her that she never faked it - if she thought it wasn’t funny she just sat there, but god if she was amused her head would tip back and she would let the sound of her pour out into the air, into his ears, dragging his gaze to her even if he was studiously trying not to stare.  He’d thought it was something like the suits of her, the guns and cigars and scotch of her, the past of her - her fascinating fear of malls.  Her fascinating love of maple syrup.  Her fascinating hatred of anything girlish or sappy or at all baby related.  Her.  Fascinating.

He’d tried to describe it.

But in the end he knew that even Walt Whitman wouldn’t have been able to do it. W.B. Yeats. Robert Browning.  Even The Bard himself would have been utterly speechless when it came to describing Robin Scherbatsky.

So Barney had shrugged and smiled a private kind of smile.

And he’d left it at that.

himym, fanfiction, ipod challenge, brotp, drabble

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