Oct 06, 2006 20:00
Today our assignment was to modify cliches into our own. I thought of some real good/funny ones. However, I don't think they would fly with this crowd and would give off the wrong impression. I tucked them away.
Everyday at school I think of some weird shit. School fuels my creativity. I wish I remembered them so I can document them. Some of them are real good ideas. At least I think they are.
The new New Found Glory cd is great. Lyrics are still mediocre. I don't mind.
I need to go shopping. No more shirts and jeans.
School is done in 3 weeks. Then I start a month after that. During the next term I will also be taking C++ classes at Mt.Sac. Way stoked. 3 hour night classes. Hoo ha! I'm also thinking about getting into networking. Not sure.
Today I was reading up on some research projects the CIA did back in the day. Not cool. It bothered me at first, but if you think of it from a global standpoint, most countries have wet their feet.
Run on.
Illuminati, you lag.
The whole Mark Foley situation. That's funny.
All it takes is a perfect smile and lips to shatter your knees.
I haven't had a full tank of gas since Christmas Day. Gas was only $2.25. It's funny that I say(type) only. I hope I succeed in purchasing another full tank before the end of November.
I need someone to kick my ass. I'm lacking some inspiration/motivation. Because of it, I'm not going to maintain that 3.75 or something GPA I have(had). I might fail two classes. I really don't care though. My school is college for dummies.
Pocket protectors soon.
It's amazing how hard-headed and contradictory people are. They must listen to a lot of rap.
I'm taking part in a case study.
It feels weird when I walk. Maybe its the drunk skateboarding.
Today is National Denim Day!
Don't party too hard.
I have achieved nothing. Reality only furthers your ignorance.