(no subject)

Mar 17, 2008 14:11

☆ FAQ ☆

All questions related to how you play the game, when you should post in the communities and when you should make a permissions post are here.

So is this an RP or is it a game?
Both. Your characters have been pulled into House Traditori and are being forced to play in a large-scale, real-life Mafia game. While they cast votes and kill and wait to die, they'll be staying and interacting in the mansion along with the rest of the characters. Naturally, OOC information should stay OOC.

So how does this IC Mafia game work?
1. The House posts a poll every IRL Sunday and Thursday days, listing the people still alive in the game. Every character throws in a vote.
2. Those voted for by the traitors get killed by the House before the next poll is posted. The one voted for by the majority also gets killed by the House. Should any of these votes coincide, well, lucky you, fewer people die.
3. Traitors can not kill traitors; these votes are discarded.

Also, should a character not vote, the House will throw in random votes: keep in mind that this will only make the game harder.

What about the doctors and detectives and other special roles?
Ah yes, there are doctors and detectives. There will likely only be one of each special role. They may or may not know their roles in the game (check the Special Roles page for that!), but it's up to them to get the other characters to believe them! Or they could keep it to themselves...

What happens to people voted off during the Mafia game? House "takes care" of them in a variety of ways. It'll be as simple and noiseless as the victims disappearing overnight without a trace -- to as messy as being forcibly swarmed by darkness where they stand, leaving a mess of blood and guts and bones and flesh behind.

What happens to those people?
They'll find out once they're dead.

When can I start posting in the communities?
1. You'll have to wait until the game starts before posting in traditori. There will be a post by stabilimento to announce the beginning.
2. You can post in traditori_ooc whenever you want to after you've been accepted.

When is it necessary that I make a permissions post?
1. If your character has a tendency to murder other characters, make a post.
2. If your character ICly knows the canon of other characters, make a post.
3. If you THINK you should probably make a post, make a post.

All questions relating to the House ( what's in it, how you got there, et cetera ) are here.

How did we get here?
Like we said, it's up to you. The House's magic pulled you in -- you decide how and when and where from.

What do we have?
Only the things you were wearing and carrying at the time you got nabbed and teleported into the House.

What about magic items?
You'll have them, but they won't work in the House -- or at least, their magical qualities will be blocked off.

What is the House, anyway?
It's a mansion, and it's magic. Food restocks itself, beds make themselves, there are arcades, pools, anything and everything you ever wanted. Pretty lucky that it is, because you just can't leave, except by either being killed or being killed in the game.

What's with these bedrooms?
Like we said, there has to be at least two people in the room for the door to be able to lock. Unless you want to be in an open room for anyone to wander by and kill you while you sleep, you'd better find your roommate. More than two people can stay in a room, but there has to be at least two for the doors to lock, and there are still only two beds.

For organization's sake, we'll be adding character's names to the room list in order of their arrival. In reflection of that, in the game the character's things that they were carrying when they arrived will already be put into the room we've got them in on the list. The roommates are assigned and non-negotiable, to facilitate broader character interactions. But nothing's to say that you can't have someone come a-visiting to your room. But their roommate... well. They might just be out of luck.

All questions relating what your characters can and cannot do, what you should do in the case of ___, and how you should go about something when applying are all here.

What if the thing that is keeping my character alive is a magical spell/item/whatever?
The House will put whatever would be instantly killing them on pause in order for them to be a part of the game.

I want to apply for a character who is a dog/cat/animal/pokemon/whatever. Can I do that?
Sure! But do come up with an IC way for them to communicate (or not...!).

My character does not speak the language that everyone else does/is an animal/pokemon/whatever. What can be done about this?
If they're human, they will wake up being able to understand everyone. They can notice it or not.

Inhuman characters can either wake up speaking like humans OR they can wait until someone asks for a translation device from the House.

NOTE: If it's part of their character to not really speak English very well, they can be exceptions to this.

My character shares a name with another character. What is the House going to do about it on the list?
The House will add something to discern them by. For example, Karel ( younger ) or Karel ( older ).

What if someone's not exactly human ( has unusual body parts and such )?
They'll get to keep them, but they'll be useless if they've got magical powers.

For example, Character A is a winged person who can turn into a bird. They won't be able to turn into a bird, but they will still have the wings.

The character that I play knows the canon of other characters and would ICly say something about the other character's fandoms to them. Can they do this?
It's really up to the player of the character in question. You're going to want to make a permission post in traditori_ooc to sort out who is okay with your character spouting spoilers out.

The character I play is really violent and it's OOC for them NOT to attack other characters at the drop of a dime. What can I do about this?
You're going to want to set up a permissions post in traditori_ooc to see who is okay with your character injuring/killing theirs during one of their temper tantrums.

Can characters die from other things?
Sure. If someone else decides to stab you in the face, you're pretty much dead, no? That kind of thing, though -- that isn't part of the game: the House won't clean up the bodies up for you or help you escape the possible consequences of murdering another player. So be prepared to at the least, have rotting corpses lying around, and at the most, possibly be the victim of a panicked lynch mob, if you kill someone. But we promise, nothing in the House itself is dangerous -- except the other players.

What if I want to play the same characters in multiple rounds?
They'll remember some things, and not others. They'll remember being there, they'll remember meeting the other people, but none of them will remember who died, or how -- only that people did. Chances are they'd have thought it was some bizarre nightmare after it was over -- only now, they're back in it. And it's happening all over again.
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