Running on empty

Dec 21, 2004 07:46

running on, running on tiiimmmmeee, ever heard that song, good song, oldie but a goodie. Oh wel im seriously running like 2 hours of sleep right now, have to go eat breakfast with the Gparents and cousins, i think im gonna have a nap after its all said and done, cus i have to work third shift at hollister tonight and uhhh that aint cool. Im not sure i understadn their logic, i guess be cus on my schedule when i siad the latest i would work is elven to them that ment two the morning. In some twisted way i guess they coudl say well thats early and not late. BAH, im tired, tired of not sleeping enough, tired of trying, and most of all tired of crazy girls telling Briana i called them last night and that we talked for hours and other shit which i dont even know about but briana wont tell me what "she" said cus, i "dont need to know" BULL. Its about me and supposedly I said it, then i need to know! ehhh oh well, it hurts to rage type when im this low on energy blah. oh yeah Alex i think despite your initial skeptisim, you like AARON AND I'S song lol.
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