Nov 23, 2004 13:36
Im realizing more and more that despite how much more i like College over High school the same basic social situations seem to continually present themselves. lol as a freshman in HS i was unable to date girls my age, and im coming to realize that things are working the same way despite my change in attitude. This to most has a simple solution, date younger girls. And yet that is the most infuriating part, due to being a YL leader i am strongl discouraged from dating HS girls, whether they are 18 and a senior or 14 and a freshman (which btw i wont do lol) but regardless im getting so much positive feedback, from awesome girls, and they are all in HS!!! lol, id love to date girls my age, but well theyd love to date a senior lol and i cant change that. I have some major thinking to do i think, no ryan i will not quit younglife lol, we'll just have to see.