Nov 03, 2004 21:44
In efforts to further leave my past and past attitude behind i have come to the realization that i may have also left behind my innocence. Funny to think of ones self in that way, being innocent that is. Usually we get so caught up being cynical about how much the world sucks that we dont think back to when the only things one had to worry about were starting show times for Ninja Turtles, if your pb&J was coming soon and if you got to go to bed at 8 or with luck at 9. i wish i was 7 years old again. God everyhitng made sense then, or rather it didnt have to make sense then, my mind didnt lust so thoroughly to be sated with irrelvant information that im am driven to writing somehting as ungodly emo as this. But it seems to happen again and again with reoccuring themes that i take a thought as i take a seat at my computer a thought that will nag at me till i am rid of it through prose. and thus is why i write, funny how we learn about ourselves especially at times when most confident about knowing ourselves in and out.