a chicken to the last

Jan 06, 2009 01:14

so a lot has actually gone on since the last time i posted and now.

i know i said i was being moved back to the stock room but my boss saw my numbers and kept me on the floor, im apparently a good salesman. i worked a lot over the holidays.... i mean a LOT.... and my pay check shows it. but the down side is that i feel old, my joints hurt, i never have energy, and im starting to become an insomniac again, which is all kinds of bad. the thing is though, my hours are still huge, even though its after new years, it will slow down soon though i think, two of my co workes just got back in town from wherever they went to spend new years. so that should lighten my load a bit. im tired of talking about work, mostly because i have to be there tomorrow at 12:30 and work till closing, i hate the late shift :(

on another note, i kind of met someone via okc and we are getting to know one another, but we are taking things at a snales pace. well. more like a turtles pace, a turtle on land. i like her, im pretty sure she likes me to (but who know what really goes on in the minds of women) and she is really into the fact that i am "real and down to earth" whatever that means. but, typicle me, im too chicken to call her, whenever i highlight her name in my phone i get nervous... im not really a good conversationalist, and sometimes cant tell the difference between an akward (ockward?... however its spelled) and a comfortable silence. thank goodness for text messaging or i would be nowhere with her at all. we have actually made a solid plan to have some real phone talking time... i guess you can call it a phone date... or maybe im reading too much into it. oh well, i wont know until i know.

well, im going to take a shower and go to bed, goodnight.
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