Sep 23, 2009 18:03



Discussion post

My profound apologies for being so late in putting this up and replying to... well, everything. I've been both ill recently and overwhelmed with schoolwork; not the best combo. Just chucking this up quickly while I have a minute.

ATTN: regarding reposts
As a new guideline: for ( Read more... )

kink meme, mod

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Re: Spock... janice_lester September 27 2009, 09:30:23 UTC
I had a dream last week that TOS!Spock was wearing my knickers, does that count? 'twas an odd little dream. TOS!Kirk and TOS!Spock were sharing a hotel room on Earth, only Spock was supposed to be there with Nu!Uhura. For some reason, she'd gone off in a huff and he'd spent the night with his captain instead. Which was unfortunate, because Uhura hadn't kept her family informed of her plans and so her mother's knocking on the door expecting to see her darling little girl and her charming Vulcan boyfriend. But he's only just got out of bed after a long night of sexytiemz with the captain... So I can see why Spock was in a mad scramble for clothes, but not where my own personal favourite pair of knickers came in.

Anyway... I read a great fic where Spock had to dress as a woman for a mission. Perhaps he liked it and kept it up in private? Or perhaps he's concerned at the apparent sexism of the uniform regulations and so is planning to start wearing the extremely short dress instead of his shirt and pants to make it clear that the male members of the crew should have a choice about uniforms too. Only every time he puts on the dress and stands in the bathroom gazing at his reflection trying to decide whether he should shave his legs for this, and whether the lipstick suits him or not, he gets inexplicably turned on and ends up showing up red-faced and very late for his shift. Or something.


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