Sep 23, 2009 18:03



Discussion post

My profound apologies for being so late in putting this up and replying to... well, everything. I've been both ill recently and overwhelmed with schoolwork; not the best combo. Just chucking this up quickly while I have a minute.

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kink meme, mod

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Five time Kirk crashed Sulu's party and the one time Sulu crashed his anonymous September 23 2009, 17:41:21 UTC
All right, so everyone knows the feud between Takei and Shatner? I want this written Reboot-style. Sulu never invites Kirk to any of his parties because Kirk always harasses the woman/is loud and obnoxious and lets face it, can be kind of a prick. But Kirk always finds a way to crash Sulu's parties anyway.

Five times Kirk crashed Sulu's party and the one time Sulu crashed Kirk's.

Bonus points for:

~Chekov in various states of inebriation since the kid can't hold his liquor, and Sulu having to get him down from the table/keep him from taking off his pants/steering him to the bathroom to vomit.

~Scotty spiking the drinks with his own 'special' alcohol, you know, the one illegal in 40 quadrants.

~A disco party where the crew dresses in platform shoes, bell bottoms, sparkly studs, and afros with a silver pick. Super-duper bonus points for Spock learning slang from the 70's and saying it in his stoic Vulcan way.

~McCoy hovering by the snack table and claiming he came just in case someone gets alcohol poisoning (and somebody does at the last party?)

~Maybe Kirk keeps crashing these parties so he can hit on someone in particular. I'll leave who that is up to anon. : )

~Maybe Kirk's party at the end is diplomatic and serious, and Sulu crashes it while angry and wasted. But I am open to whatever anon thinks is cracktastic.


Filled! slitlee_dayzed November 10 2009, 06:23:53 UTC
filled on my journal, cause it ended up being waaay longer than I originally intended.

The pairing is Sulu/Chekov and Kirk/McCoy.
Hope this is what you were looking for Anon!


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