Aug 19, 2009 20:46



Discussion post

ATTN: regarding reposts
As a new guideline: for the time being, I'd like to put a damper on the re-requesting going on. Please only re-request something if it has been more than a month since you asked for it and it still hasn't been filled. I'd like to remind everyone that old parts still have many ( Read more... )

kink meme, mod

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Comments 6746

Mission Impossible? anonymous August 19 2009, 19:57:56 UTC
McCoy has fallen in love with Spock but can the doctor woo his man or will Spock be oblivious the his intentions?


Re: Mission Impossible? anonymous August 19 2009, 20:19:49 UTC
Aww, the is NEEDS to be written. :3

I've recently become obsessed with Spock/Bones, and this prompt is so sweet and simple. :)

Kind, generous, merciful, wonderful anons, will you make it so?


Re: Mission Impossible? anonymous August 20 2009, 15:59:32 UTC
I agree, this just screams to be written


Re: Mission Impossible? cockrobinisdead August 21 2009, 05:15:07 UTC
:gasp: yay! i love this pairing like few others.
I highly recommend cards_slash to tide you over for any and all of your McCoy/Spock needs.


anonymous August 19 2009, 19:58:11 UTC

Can I get some hurt/comfort wangsty healing sex?



Colorless (1/4) raihu September 6 2009, 18:21:06 UTC
,Hi, you are the anon of my heart! Also, um, a general warning for mild implications of torture. Title from related musicks because I am uncreative, oops.

As a unit organized to apply and regulate the process of interrogation, the Klingon specialists on Rura Penthe are deeply divided by their distinctive styles; almost like people, stamped with eccentricities and personal quirks. Each has his own set of gleaming instruments, which he handles with a vaguely aristocratic confidence, and each works within his own artistic preferences and of course his own assumptions about life and determination and pain. They all react differently to the sight of blood ( ... )


Colorless (2/4) raihu September 6 2009, 18:22:09 UTC
“I know what they’re doing.” Ayel’s voice dips low to reach him, his hands tremble with controlled fury. “They want you to see us. To touch fingers and sleep and feel safe when we can’t keep you safe at all. They’re giving you back so they can take you away again.”

All in a rush, he goes quiet. His hands have finished their work but he does not take them back.

“It feels like we were supposed to die,” he says then, softly, “and this is our punishment for surviving. I’m trying to think; but that must be it. We didn’t do anything else, we didn’t do anything wrong. We didn’t do anythingNero closes his eyes ( ... )


Colorless (3/4) raihu September 6 2009, 18:22:59 UTC
Careful, he admonishes himself; careful, quiet, follow the grain of his tattoos with reverence, even in perfect darkness. It’s the least anyone could do. He spreads his palms open over Ayel’s ribs and sucks on his bottom lip to hold his patience ( ... )


anonymous August 19 2009, 19:58:55 UTC
McCoy/Chekov daddy kink with Scotty/Kirk invited to join the pair.
Bonus if Chekov call Scotty uncle ;)


anonymous August 19 2009, 20:03:39 UTC


anonymous August 21 2009, 14:54:27 UTC
+1. Make it filthy anon.


anonymous August 22 2009, 16:08:23 UTC
Question: would you like Scotty or Kirk, or Scotty and Kirk as a couple?


anonymous August 19 2009, 19:59:05 UTC
I remember seeing this: and suddenly realizing that I want more Non-con Kirk/Spock interactions... I don't care how, or why, I just want Kirk to be a total asshole and Spock having to deal with it.

goes and hides in a dark cave...


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Re: Filled, part 1/? anonymous September 22 2009, 01:01:50 UTC
are you going to end the fic?


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anonymous August 19 2009, 20:01:23 UTC
Primeval crossover. An anomaly drops 'em all on the Enterprise. (Somehow, IDK, all their ~adventures~ bled back through the timestream and became fictional WORK WITH ME HERE)

Connor has a huge nerdcrush on Spock, because he so would. So. Spock/Connor.

I'd rather it had the original S1/S2 cast, please. (I wasn't fond of the mid-s3 retool.) S1 is some of my fav cheesy silly scifi everrr and I am sad that it's been cancelled D:


anonymous August 19 2009, 21:54:38 UTC
\O/\O/ *dances*

Oh fuckety, fuckety, fuck! Let me consume your genius brain anon.


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