Aug 10, 2009 17:31

PREVIOUS/LATER PARTS ON THIS TAG b/c mod is lazy about going back and editing old entries constantly ♥

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kink meme, mod

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Re: Kirk/McCoy anonymous September 7 2009, 06:13:55 UTC
Crap I never finished this... Totally forgot, sorry! (Can't leave the boys hanging forever...)

Bones grabbed Kirk's hips roughly, fingers digging into his soft flesh. With one quick motion he pushed into him roughly and then began thrusting hard and fast. Kirk cried out at the invasion, making noises that would make him blush later. Arching his back and biting his lip, he quickly adjusted to the new sensations and began moaning and panting at the pleasure that was assaulting his body. He clung to the chair as Bones pounded into him harder and faster.

Bones took one hand off his hip and reached around to grab Kirk's cock, pumping it roughly. It only took seconds for his Captain to come, crying out again as his orgasm slammed into him. His body arched and Bones groaned at the feel of Kirk clenching around his cock, and seconds later he was coming too, his fingers digging into Kirk's hip hard, bruising him.

Collapsing against Kirk, both men panted and caught their breaths for a few minutes before pulling away. Then with a kiss on the shoulder and a quick pat on the ass, Bones walked off, leaving his Captain to clean up the mess. After all, he thought to himself with a smile, he's a doctor, dammit, not a janitor!


Re: OP anonymous September 7 2009, 22:26:13 UTC
Mmmm, that was deliciously hot, anon. I love the thought of Bones making Jim blush at how he made him go to pieces.


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