Aug 10, 2009 17:31

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kink meme, mod

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Re: Filled - EAT ME, DRINK ME, FUCK ME 3 of 3 anonymous August 19 2009, 08:59:41 UTC
Spock's brain clicked as she moved at faster pace, warm, tight, wet....and squeezing him so hard, he began to shake.

A dangerous rumble rolled through his chest and she could see him fighting his instincts. Tendons stood out against neck and he was gritting his teeth. He wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around her and fuck her into oblivion...

But he lay still and closed his eyes against the sight of her, reaching behind him to grip the headboard.

But then he heard (ahh! oooooooh!) and felt her orgasm flutter around his cock and that was enough to snap both his resolve and the headboard.

While she was still in the throws, he reached up and flipped her beneath him slipping both arms beneath her legs, pressing them up high and wide apart over his shoulders. Open to him.

He pounded into her like a jackhammer. Nyota screamed as her orgasm roared back... and lucky for her, because the relentless pounding he was giving her would have been much more painful, otherwise.

He wrapped both hands around her waist, repeatedly pulling her body onto his dick, his mouth now (finally) enjoying her breasts.

It didn't take long now, for him to come, with a long satisfied groan, pressing deeply into her.

He collapsed on top of her a shaking, messy heap.

She tapped his shoulder.


"Apologies.." he grumbled and rolled so she lay on him.

"You." she said, slapping him lightly on the chest. "...were supposed to be submissive, this time."

"I find that you make that impossible, Nyota. Far too tempting.
But perhaps...I would very much like to add other variables, try again."

She smiled into his chest. "I'm sure you would, Mr. Spock."


OP anonymous August 19 2009, 22:02:21 UTC


It was sexy. *smokes* Yeah, I liked that very much.


Re: Filled - EAT ME, DRINK ME, FUCK ME 3 of 3 kevlarhearts August 19 2009, 22:30:41 UTC
fanself* good god woman! this is amazingly sexy !


Re: Filled - EAT ME, DRINK ME, FUCK ME 3 of 3 asimaiyat August 20 2009, 02:55:37 UTC
Damn! That was so hot. I love the whole melting-suit idea, and I love that it's all about her pleasure. :)


Re: Filled - EAT ME, DRINK ME, FUCK ME 3 of 3 anonymous August 24 2009, 06:56:26 UTC
perfectly perfect...


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