Aug 10, 2009 17:31

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REPOST from part 8! Doctor Who/Torchwood AU! anonymous August 10 2009, 16:40:37 UTC
I've not seen this one filled which is kind of a shame....

Could I possibly have a Doctor Who/Torchwood, Star Trek Au?

What I mean is, the Federation is the government of the 23rd Century? Right? It could easily be said that while it's a known fact that the Federation sends out star ships to do five year exploration missions, to see what's out there. (cue, the whole fucking premise of star trek).

Well I was thinking, that the Doctor, being a time lord, can regenerate himself into another body....and so someone in Star Trek could be Doctor Who in disguise..

And potentially, the federation, while funding these five year missions...would need a group of people to pick up the pieces that the aliens that get out of hand, leave behind. stop the threats against destroying earth and other federation planets. So cue, a new anagram for a potential Torchwood which would be our beloved crew of U.S.S Enterprise. in some shape or form and bigger than the actual torchwood. :D

So basically, each mission of the captain's log would be another job well done for Torchwood (cue another anagram)...

Or screw it, it could still be Torchwood, just taking place in both space and earth.

I really don't care who you pin as Jack, Gwen, Toshiko, Owen, and a few other people. But take into account their personalities rather than rank. well more so than rank. And Gender. Any one of the crew could be excellent as the characters of Torchwood.

Like, you'd think that Captain Jim Kirk would be Captain Jack ...but he might not be.

If you do make Jim (Jack Harkness) then I'd like some Kirk/Bones, Kirk/Spock, Spock/McCoy.


Re: REPOST from part 8! Doctor Who/Torchwood AU! candycanearms August 10 2009, 18:16:13 UTC
...I don't know why, but I just saw Chekov as the Doctor. You know, because he's so clever and can totally do that.


Re: REPOST from part 8! Doctor Who/Torchwood AU! anonymous August 10 2009, 20:45:32 UTC
ok now that you mention it, Chekov could be the eccentric Doctor. Sulu could be his companion.

Jim Kirk - Jack
Scotty - Toshiko
Bones - Owen

er...the only ones i'm have problems finding a place for is Spock and Uhura.

could spock be Ianto? could Uhura be gwen? or the other way around... or Uhura being the doctor's companion and sulu being gwen? damn that would be awesome.


Re: REPOST from part 8! Doctor Who/Torchwood AU! greenpixiehair August 10 2009, 23:13:21 UTC

Spock as Ianto is perfect.


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Re: REPOST from part 8! Doctor Who/Torchwood AU! OP here! 2jamie August 11 2009, 08:08:13 UTC
Who'd be Rhys then, may I ask? :D


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Re: REPOST from part 8! Doctor Who/Torchwood AU! OP here! infraredphaeton August 14 2009, 09:55:11 UTC
Well, supposedly the Doctor only gets 12 maybe Chekov's the Doctor's last incarnation? :( which is a sad thought. But Hcekov doing all of the Doctor's happy bouncing and tech talk is such a cute image.


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FILLED-kinda. infraredphaeton August 14 2009, 13:52:30 UTC
He's not lying, technically, the Doctor rationalises, later.
As his current regeneration was ridiculously young (and still not ginger) at sixteen and a half, it wasn't surprising that the instructor he'd attempted to bluff with his psychic paperwork had assumed he was a cadet. It was a good reason to wander around the Academy without seeming suspicious, and the classes he'd attended for cover were surprisingly interesting. He'd borrowed the name- Pavel Chekov- from a companion of him, once upon a time, although Anya would probably be insulted at the thought of being related to the baby-faced, curly haired teenager he was now.
Unfortunately, the Doctor was a little too good at being good, and moments after he'd dealt with the Psychic Leech he'd followed to Earth, he'd found himself in the middle of a crisis- Vulcan in danger, cadets running crazily from one side of campus to the other.
Before he had the chance to duck into a quiet spot and wait for an opportunity to run for the TARDIS, he found himself tucked against the side of HIikaru Sulu, one of the almost-graduates he'd spent the last week talking to in order to figure out exactly where the Leech was.
Sulu gave him a grim smile, locking an arm around his shoulders as he fought his way through the crowds, acting as a buffer so the Doctor's smaller body wasn't pushed and pulled by the masses of people. Sulu had taken 'Pavel' under his wing, it seemed, and while the Doctor liked making friends- a little over a thousand years of travelling with companions certainly attested to that- he hadn't planned on it happening this time. Hence the fake name. The Doctor frowned as they came into the shipyards. Making a run for it would seem suspiciously, and was pretty much impossible under the circumstances, and there was no way his fake paperwork would be in the system. He would not be called aboard, unlike his friend. The easiest solution would be to wait until Hikaru boarded his ship, and then sneak off to the TARDIS.
"McCoy, Leonard-Enterprise, medical!"
Although...The Doctor was pensive- he couldn't recall any major catastrophes on Vulcan at this point in time.
"This shouldn't be happening," he muttered, and crinkled his nose at the thick accent it came out in.
"Hmm?" Sulu looked away from the instructor calling out names, "Did you say something?"
"Nyet." The Doctor denied, and Sulu turned back to the listings.
Something very strange was going on here. The Doctor bit his lip for a second, thinking quickly.
"Feragney, Hera- Vivaldi, engineering!"
The TARDIS was parked in an out of the way area, and the chameleon field would stop inquiring eyes, and an unknown crisis on Vulcan?
The Doctor flicked his wrist, and the sonic screwdriver dropped into his palm- he took a few seconds to fiddle with the settings, keeping it below eye level so it would be unnoticed, and gave the PADD belonging to the black clad instructor a quick zap.
That done, he tucked away the sonic again, and waited impatiently, bouncing on his toes.
"Sulu, Hikaru- Enterprise, bridge!"
Sulu turned to the Doctor with a worried frown.
"You'll be alright?"
The Doctor flapped a hand at his newest friend, "Don't vorry yourself, Hikaru. I get the feeling I'll be seeing you shortly!"
Sulu smiled again, and clapped The Doctor on the shoulder, a little too heavily for his still regeneration-weak new body.
"Chekov, Pavel- Enterprise, bridge!"
"See?" The Doctor grinned, and Sulu grinned back.
"Same sector, even," Sulu mused, as they waited for the crowds to thin slightly before moving.
"Commander! Commander! You didn't call my name!" A young blonde man dodged past them after the instructor, as the other man moved away to give assignments to the next group of cadets.
"He isn't going anywhere," Sulu told the Doctor as they moved off towards their shuttle.
"Vhy's that?" The Doctor- Chekov for the next fourty-eight hours, at least- asked.
"You missed the assembly this morning?" Sulu asked, and The Doctor grinned sheepishly.
"Did you sleep in?"
"Ah..." He scratched at the back of his newly curly head, avoiding the question.


Re: FILLED-kinda.(2/2) infraredphaeton August 14 2009, 13:53:09 UTC
In actual fact, he'd been in the middle of a rather complicated parlay with the Psychic Leech, attempting to convince it to return to it's homeworld.
"He's on trial for cheating. He hacked the Kobayashi Maru," Sulu explained, "he's not getting off the ground."
"Isn't that the unbeatable test?"
"Yeah- it's a no-win situation, apparently."
The Doctor glanced back over his shoulder to see a dark haired man guide the blonde towards a covered structure, and felt a warm flush of approval- there was no such thing as a no-win situation, as long as you were creative enough.
"Vhat's his name?"
"Jim Kirk, I think. It's Jim or James." Sulu replied, and frowned at the shuttle in front of them, "Are you a bit worried about this?"
The Doctor ducked past him and in through the door, "Vhy vould I be vorried? This is going to be fun."
Sulu chuckled and strapped in next to him, "You're just a little bit crazy, aren't you, Pavel?"
The Doctor grinned, and winked at him, replying, "Just a little bit. Enough to be fun, but not enough to be psychotic."
Depending on the circumstances, the Doctor mused, as the shuttle ascended, he might just stay Pavel Chekov for longer than forty eight hours. Long enough to be fun, but not enough to be stupid.


Re: FILLED-kinda.(2/2) anonymous August 18 2009, 12:17:12 UTC
Hee! I like this!


Re: FILLED-kinda.(2/2) l_arlesienne November 30 2009, 11:26:06 UTC
Continue? Yes? Please? Maybe?



Re: FILLED-kinda.(2/2) infraredphaeton November 30 2009, 21:57:39 UTC
Hell no! Chekov!Doctor was ridiculously hard to write. He kept trying to turn into Ten, and as much as I like Ten, he is not Pavel Chekov.
But I'm glad you liked it!


Re: REPOST from part 8! Doctor Who/Torchwood AU! deviouskirin September 2 2009, 04:32:15 UTC
you just won ownership of my soul with that little gem right there! i now have this horrible (but in a totally insanely good way) image of the Doctor waking up or whatever and realizing he's regenerated as seventeen year old boy that everyone and their grandmother (ESPECIALLY their grandmother) just wants to pinch on the cheeks and cuddle.


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