Long Rambly question about Tarsus

Dec 12, 2009 01:04

Uh, I just joined so I could ask my stupid question ...

Which is this. We know Kirk (TOS) was on Tarsus IV, and in the ep (from what I recall) we don't get much except that he was about 13, saw Kodos' face, there was a massacre as a result of the people starving, and Kodos was logical in a bad way. Not necessarily in that order.

I can't recall if it is canon or fanon that Kirk was visiting relatives, but I'm pretty sure that's canon, and I know there's book-canon out there too that I haven't actually followed up on.

Ok, so on to stupid probably badly researched question ...

(1) Do we know who Kirk was visiting (is it canon that he was visiting? Or is it possible he was there with his parents. I think I accept as canon that he was visiting relatives, but I'm not sure why this is.) I think it was an aunt and uncle, but are there more canon specifics?

(2) Um, are there no cell phones or instant communication methods in the future that are readily available to parents? The reason I ask is--assuming he was on Tarsus, visiting relatives--how did canon get 'round the parental every 10 minute check in? Most parents I know can't send their pet, let alone their kid, across the street without regular status updates--you know, are they eating/sleeping/do they miss me standard communication with caregivers, above and beyond the threatening inquiries into whether or not your kid is being a pain in the ass and how they had better be good and Santa is coming reminders. Even summer camp usually has specific check in points or methods and such. So do we assume TOS Kirk's parents dumped him in Tarsus and said, see you in 2 months (because they seem to always have a good relationship with Kirk, and as far as I'm aware, are not usually considered absentee or neglectful, and survive well into his adulthood)? Did the elder Kirks need to go off on a super sekrit off planet mission that summer, necessitating the dump (again, I assume he was sent over a summer, but I suppose he could have been sent for a year or more)?

(3) Which brings me to ...assuming NuKirk went to Tarsus despite the changed timeline, and even if we make Winona the worst parent ever to go away on a business trip, are we assuming she never calls in once, or are we assuming her work is so very top secret she can't communicate even with her kid, or both? I assume, of course, that the whole starvation thing took a while, so when arrangements were made to send young Kirk, all was fine and dandy, and then there was a blight or a drought or infestation of alien locusts or whatever causing the famine (Nu!Tarsus has locusts, if you ask me--so much less icky than fungii) and that all the starving took some time too, so at best I'd say all that takes at least a month, but more likely two.

Sorry, I was writing a fic in which NuJim was at Tarsus, and then I was like, why the hell wasn't Winona raising holy hell? For that matter, did Tarsus have no other visitors during the relevant time period? And assuming they did, Because, you know, if you're arranging to send your kid abroad and your family says, might want to hold off on that, we've got a superalienfungus going on, you would think you would reconsider our plan ... It doesn't matter to the fic, or to anything at all, really. I was just wondering. Possibly I am overthinking this, but um. Whatever. It's late, and it's been a long day, and I get to ponder pointless things about pretty people if I please. (I really couldn't work more p's into that sentence. I tried).

The answer is probably clear, obvious, and available to all and obviously I can ramble in time I should have spent googling, but thanks for any suggestions, or even a point in the right direction.
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