Yay! This community is starting to build up steam! A special thank you to everyone who has posted Questions/Discussions/Meta/Links and to everyone who has commented/added their two cents to those posts. :D
A great big Thank You! also goes out to all the Mods who have graciously allowed me to affiliate with and/or post announcements on their communities! As this is how I kidnap unsuspecting fan-nerds let people know this community exists and is available as a resource, I'm especially grateful to them. ^__^ Our current affiliated communities are:
stxi_ficarchive trek_exchange mccoy_slash issenterprise newtrekslash teamgaila scotty_chekov pike_2009 kirkspockuhura spock_uhura reboot_genfic kirk_mccoy kirk_uhura bottom_mccoy They are all full of AWESOME. If the mods of these communities (and any who affiliate in the future) so wish, they may pimp their communities here! As this community is meant to be a Fandom based resource for those of us with questions, meta or who just want to have discussions, these Fanfic communities and their members play an important part in making ST_Universe a thriving and happy community.
So I've created a new tag > affiliated community pimp-age post! < that can be used for this purpose. In addition, anyone who would like to affiliate with ST_Universe should leave a comment on this post. The more, the merrier! :D