So, I was wondering about the chain of command. I'm writing a fic wherein Kirk does something naughty, and the higher ups at Starfleet are none to happy with him. I want him to plead his case to Pike, because of the prior relationship. Is that accurate? I've read fics that mentioned Pike dealing with Kirk because he was the only one that knew how.
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Also, in Starfleet, here's the rank order, from lowest to highest:
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Lieutenant Commander
I'll admit I have absolutely no idea what the realistic outcome would be, if there would be one at all. In my head, I see Pike calling him up (so to speak) and basically saying he understands why he did it, but he overstepped his bounds a bit. More of a slap on the wrist than anything?
Thanks so much for your help! I totally lucked out with this comm.
Yeah, I'd say Kirk would TALK to Pike, try to explain himself, and Pike would TRY to intervene for Kirk, but it would go to a full hearing. Serious shit there.
Hope you don't mind the continuous questions, but I got one more for you. I had planned on using the accidental discovery to lead to taking down a ring of traffickers across all species. If this situation leads to that, is it realistic to think they might go easy on him?
Okay, that's a different matter. Trying to get that one child would be easily defensible, but... he'd have to talk to Starfleet before a planetwide search. And... it would get touchy, especially depending on the diplomatic situation. But no, something of this magnitude would have to involve more of the admiralty than just Pike. Even if Starfleet supports what Kirk did (which they might), there would need to be an investigation. The accidental discovery... yeah, I don't think Kirk would get in much trouble... but it would get VERY tense, and there would be a big investigation. But Kirk would be in the right.
Wow, you've set up a very intense plot device! I'll want to read it!
This is so awesome. You've been such a great help!
May I friend you in case I write myself into a corner? (which is very likely to happen) I have no skills when it comes to rules and protocol.:)
And I apologize in advance for the influx of questions you will no dount get at some point in the future. :)
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