Don't mind me today, I'd figure I would like to share this with you, just so you can have that incredulous look on your face too XD.
I was working in Paper Goods (paper towels, toilet paper, etc.) for most of the night, but I had to go to Aisle 4 for about an hour because one of my co-workers didn't show up at first. After about an hour over there she showed up and I returned to my original department. Once I finished with about 1 1/2 hrs left in the shift, I get sent to Aisle 7 to help another co-worker zone up the aisle (which is just straightening all the product). I did this for about 1/2 hour, when my supervisor said they're bringing out a cart of picks, stuff that supposedly is missing and can be placed on the shelf. I figured it wouldn't be too bad if it was just a small amount. To my surprise, they bring a cart full of product that was either just as or higher than me. I started shaking my head wondering why they would pull these out now rather than earlier in the day.
As I was working on the cart, my supervisor told me to switch places with the girl that was working on the aisle originally, so we did. Within 10 minutes or so of this, they bring out ANOTHER cart full of product. We both shook our heads, not understanding why they are doing things like this. We put up most of it, getting through half of one cart before we gave up and quickly ran the carts back to the stockroom lol.
And everyone I asked about this agreed with me, it was stupid of them to pull these carts out with 30-40 minutes left in the shift and somehow expect them to be finished within that amount of time. If I get wrote up for that when I go back to work Thurs I'll be super annoyed >.>.