Hello There!
If you are reading this it most likely means you are, or are considering becoming, a member of Team Crackship! This is your captain speaking.
This team is, quite obviously, devoted to the crackiest of crack 'ships, the creme de la creme of the strange and unlikely. Because of this, as a little get-to-know-you game, shout out your favorite crack pairings and I will compose a list of them below. Fic recs are also greeted with open arms and tears of joy.
Anyway, I'm here to be helpful and available so feel free to comment/pm/contact me at any time. Here's hoping the team gets going!
Ps. I've posted the alternate banner that I made for the team below, we're probably going to end up using it for a posting banner:
Current Members:
imasupermuteant First Officer:
kallie_starmistSecond Officer:
lymanalpha WE NEED YOU
Favorite Crack Ships:
Scotty/Spock Prime
Spock Prime/(nu)Spock
Kirk/Kirk/another Kirk
We now have our very own comm over at
team_crackship so if you're on the team GO JOIN IT.
I fixed the huge-ness of the banners so yay!
Also please remember that in order to join the illustrious team Crackship you must sign the
Shipper Sign Ups, the
Mission Post, and the
No Wank Policy